Surveying Final


Karteikarten am Surveying Final, erstellt von Rebecca Urban am 15/12/2015.
Rebecca Urban
Karteikarten von Rebecca Urban, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Urban
Erstellt von Rebecca Urban vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Importance of Surveying Map the Earth Navigate charts Property Boundaries Data Banks
IFS International Federation of Surveyors
GIS Geographic Information System
groma for sighting
Libella A-frame with a plumb bob
Chorobates horizontal straightedge used for leveling
Total Station Instrument automatically measure and record horizontal and vertical distances and angles
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
ellipsoid curved surface approximating the size and shape of the earth
Control Surveys serve as reference framework
Topographic surveys determine locations of natural and artificial features and elevations used in map making
Land, Boundary, and Cadastral Surveys establish property lines and property corner markers
Original Surveys establish new section corners
Retractment Surveys recovery established boundary lines
Subdivision Surveys establish monuments and delineate new land
condominium surveys boundary survey
hydrographic surveys define shorelines and depths of bodies of water
Alignment Survey plan, design, and construct highways, railroads, etc.
Construction Surveys line, grade, elevation, etc.
As-built Surveys document final locations
Mine Surveys guide tunneling above and below ground
Solar Surveys Maps according to the suns angle
Optical tooling method of making extremely accurate measurements
OSHA Occupation Safety and Health Administration
LIS Land Information Systems
NGS National Geodetic Survey
BLM The Bureau of land Management
USGS United States Geological Survey
ACSM American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
SAGES Surveying and Geomatics Educators Society
Direct Observation Observation gathered with an instrument
Indirect Observation observation gathered without a system
MSL Mean Sea Level
Tidal Datum vertical datum used in coastal areas
BM Benchmark
USCGS US Coast and Geodetic Survey
NGVD29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988
BS Backsight
HI height of instrument above the vertical datum
FS foresight
hi height of instrument above an occupied point
TP turning point
EDM Electronic Distance Measurement
Those that remain in measured values after mistakes and systematic errors have been eliminated Random Errors
Personal Errors Arise principally from limitations of the human senses of sight and touch
accuracy denotes the absolute nearness of observed quantities to their true values
Natural Errors caused by variations in wind, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric refraction, gravity, and magnetic declination
Integrity A single omitted measurement or detail can nullify use of the notes for computing and plotting
TP While leveling, these are numbered consecutively but not described in detail, since they are merely a means to and end and usually will not have to be relocated
Error Difference between observed value and true value
Instrumental Error imperfection in setup of equipment
Systematic errors (biases) (cumulative errors) factors that compromise the measuring system
NOAA National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
Leveling A process by which elevations or differences in elevation are determined
PLS Public Land Survey
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
DOD Department of Defense
IFS Intermediate Fore Sight
Sexagesimal System Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
Interior Angles enclosed in polygon
Exterior Angles outside closed polygon
Angles to the right clockwise from rear to the forward station
Angles of Deflection Observed from an extension of a back line to the forward station
Geodetic Meridian True North
Astronomic Meridian True North, always moving
Magnetic Meridian Compass
Grid Meridian State or other plane coordinate system, grid North
Record Meridian Directional references recorded
Assumed Meridian Established by assigning an arbitrary direction
Azimuths Horizontal angles observed clockwise from meridian
Bearings Acute horizontal angle between meridian and line
Magnetic Declination Horizontal angle observed from the geodetic meridian to the magnetic meridian, accurate to 30 min. of arc
Traverse A series of consecutive lines whose ends have been marked in the field and whose lengths and directions have been determined
Departure Orthographic projection on east-west axis
Latitude Orthographic projection on the north-south axis
Simple Curve Circular arc connecting two tangents
Compound Curve two or more circular arcs of different radii tangent to each other with centers on the same side of alignment
Reverse Curve two circular arc tangent to each other with their centers on opposite sides of the alignment
spiral curve radius decreases uniformly from infinity to the tangent to that of the curve it meets
Super Elevation Balances the effect of centrifugal force on a vehicle passing around a curve
Arc Definition of Degree of Curve Degree of curve is the central angle subtended by a circular arc
Chord Definition of Degree of Curve degree of curve is the angle at the center of a circular arc subtended by a chord of 100 feet.
Sag curve changing from negative to positive slope
Crest Curve changing from positive slope to negative slope
Local Attraction A local caused from things such as power line railroad tracks, and so on the affect the direction a compass needle points at any location
alidade the telescope, graduated circles, and all other elements necessary for measuring angles and distances
parallax apparent motion of an object caused by a movement in the position of the observer's eye
Closed Traverse lines return to the starting point creating a closed figure
Link Polygon finish upon a different point that has a known elevation
Open traverse a series of lines that are connected but do not return to the starting point
Meridian Distance the perpendicular distance from the midpoint of the course to the reference meridian
PLSS US Public Land Survey System, inaugurated in 1784
Topographic Survey Large scale representation of the earth's surface
Contour a line connecting points of equal elevation
US NMAS US National Mapping Accuracy Standards
Bar Scale shows the segment equal to the scale
public lands Areas that have been subject to administration, survey, and transfer of title to private owners under the public lands laws of the US since 1785
quadrangle nominal dimensions are 24 miles on a side
ranges north and south rows of townships
tiers east and west rows of townships
witness corner set on lines leading to the corner
Meander Corner established on survey lines intersection the bank of a stream
obliterated corner one for which there are no remaining traces on the monument, but can be recovered beyond reasonable doubt
lost corner cannot be determined
Broken-back curve Combination of a short length of tangent connecting two circular arcs that have centers on the same side
Degrees of difference in magnetic declination between the northeast portion of Maine and the northwest part of Washington 40
Upper part of the total station that includes the telescope, graduated circles, and all other elements necessary for measure angles and distances Alidade
permits accurate centering over a point optical plummet
run as true parallels of latitude 24 miles apart in the same manner as was the baseline standard parallels or correction lines
townships divided into these, numbered from 1 to 36 sections
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