1928-1942 Industrialisation and the 5 year plans


GCSE History (Unit 2: Russia) Karteikarten am 1928-1942 Industrialisation and the 5 year plans, erstellt von Joanna van Dyk am 29/12/2015.
Joanna van Dyk
Karteikarten von Joanna van Dyk, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joanna van Dyk
Erstellt von Joanna van Dyk vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Why did Stalin think rapid industrialisation was necessary? He wanted Russia to sustain itself as an isolated communist country To combat any assault from hostile capitalist states
How many years behind the 'advanced countries' did Stalin believe Russia was? 50 to 100 years
What else would industrialisation do for the communist party? Increase the number of industrial workers (the class most loyal to the party)
When was the first 5 year plan? 1928-1932
What did it focus on? Heavy industry and fuel Hydro-electric power The collectivisation of agriculture
By how much was heavy industry set to expand its output? 300%
When was the second plan? 1933-1937
What did it focus on more than the first five year plan? Consumer goods and transport
When was the third five year plan? 1938-1943
What did it focus on? Consumer goods Military production
By 1939 Russia's industrial output had increased by ____ compared to 1914 400%
How many new towns had been built by 1940? 90
Name a town were car factories had been built Gorky
When were paid holidays introduced? 1940
How many doctors did Russia have More per head than either the USA or Britain
How was lateness, absenteeism and bad workmanship viewed? As acts of sabotage Punishable by fines, deportation to labour camps or death.
What did exceptional workers receive? Enhanced social security benefits extra food better housing medals holidays
How much coal did Stakhanov produce in a 6 hour shift? 102 tonnes
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