Erstellt von Gian Hernandez
vor etwa 9 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
taberna tabernae, f. | shop inn |
taceo tacere tacui tacitus | be silent be quiet |
tam | so |
tamen | however |
tandem | at last finally |
tantus tanta tantum | so great such a great so much |
templum templi, n. | temple |
tempus temporis, n. | time |
teneo tenere tenui tentus | hold |
terra terrae, f. | ground land |
terreo terrere terrui territus | frighten |
timeo timere timui | fear be afraid |
tot | so many |
totus tota totum | whole |
trado tradere tradidi traditus | hand over |
traho trahere traxi tractus | drag draw pull |
trans | across |
tres tria | three |
tristis triste | sad |
tu tui | you (singular) |
tum | then |
turba turbae, f. | crowd |
tuus tua tuum | your (singular) yours |
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