population (uneven economic development)


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Alama Sidibe Sid
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Alama Sidibe Sid
Erstellt von Alama Sidibe Sid vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Population density The average number of people per square kilometre =total population ÷ total land area in km²
Factors that attract settlement 1.temperate climate 2.flat fertile land 3.good supplies of natural resources
factors that discourage settlement 1. extreme climates 2. highland areas, 3.dense vegetation
socioeconomic factors ability of providing jobs and high wages that can contribute to high migration population density
Political factors for example health, education, roads, power generation and clean water and wars that contribute to low population density because people leave the area
What do population pyramids show? the population of a place comparing numbers of people in different age groups and their life expectancy between men and women
What do demographic transition models show? They show the difference in population between LEDCs and MEDCs in terms of birth and death rates and total population.
three main causes of population change -births -deaths -migration
how to calculate the natural increase of a population change Natural increase = birth rate - death rate e.g, if the birth rate is 14 per 1,000 population, and the death rate is 8 per 1000 population, then the natural increase is = 14 - 8 = 6 6/1000=0.6%
declining population when the death rate is higher than the birth rate
Increasing population when the death rate is lower than the birth rate
Causes of population growth in LEDCs -contraception knowledge -child labour provides income, can also take care of elders or younger children -High rates of infant mortality -its traditional/cultural to have large families
problems that are caused by a high rate of young population in a LEDC -need of more health care -eduaction resources -etc
The one-child policy -stablished in 1979 -meant that each couple were only allowed to have one child
advantages of the one-child policy AD-access of education -childcare -health care
Problems with disobeying the one-child policy no benefits for any child -fined for enforcing the policy -rural areas resisted whereas urban areas enforced because it was the tradition. -many were forced to abort or forced to be sterilised. -
long-term implications with the one-child policy -falling birth rate=rise of the ederly population -working age population have to support the growing elderly dependants -china will have an aging population
reasons why average life expectancy in MEDCs is rising 1.improvements=of medicine, health care, knowledge of the importance of balanced diet and regular exercise; living standards and quality of life. 2.increased leisure and recreation time
the effects of an ageing population in a MEDCs -chage of population structure - increase of elderly people as a proportion of the population -number of young dependants fall=elderly dependants rises -fewer economically active people to support the elderly population country forced to adopt a pro-natalist policy
the cause of low fertility rate -contraception aware and ability - Women choose to follow their career -later marriages -state benefits
pro-natalist policy in France - £675 monthly for a mothers to stay off work for 1year -given carte famille nombreuse (vouchers/reductions) -more income tax -3 years parental leave
how UK is coping with the aging population Encouraging: -putting off money for retirement -increasing the retirement age - building facility for elders in preference for school -Economically active skilled and unskilled migrants to live in UK
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