People, Politics and Participation


People, Politics and Participation- Revision Cards
Karteikarten von xXMonStarZzXx, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von xXMonStarZzXx vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is democracy? Rule by the people or 'people power'
What are the principles of a Liberal Democracy Free and Fair elections Wide right to vote Key Rights and responsibilities Freedom of speach
What is Pluralism A system where there is open competition for power between different groups and individuals.
What is Direct Democracy A democracy where citizens have a direct input.(E.g. Ancient Greece) In westerd democracies this is normally done using referendums.
What is Reprasentative Democracy Where power and authority are put into the hands of elected representatives. (E.g. Uk Parliament)
What is parliamentary sovereignty Parliament s the superior law making body within the UK meaning they can create or end any law. Generally the courts cannot overule its legislation. Also no parliament can pass a law that future parliaments cannot change.
What are the Advantages of represantative demcracy? *Representatives are more educated and articulated that the electorate. *Representative have access to research and reports which they can use to make judgements. *Representatives will ensure neccessary but unpopular policies will be implemented e.g, Taxation. *Independence ensure that policies work together and Govt stays united.
What are the Disadvantages to Representative democracy. #Long terms in office reduce the accountability of representatives. #MP's toe the party line and dont represent the representatives. #People feel poorly represeted leading to increased apathy and reduced participation. #The risk of elitism as only a minority section of society are elected to represent constituants.
What is differential turnout How turnout varies geographically and according to factors such as class.
Examples of differential turnout #In 2005 there was a 23% point difference in turnout between the constituencies of Manchester and East Refrewshire. #44% of 18-24 year olds voted in 2005 compared to 76% of those over 65 57% of in DE social classes compared 76% in AB.
What affects turnout #Types of election- Do the electorate value the institutions involved #Political apathy/ disengagement- The power report suggested voters increasingly felt elections make littled difference, and UK parties are converging ideologies. #Relative Value- Do people live in safe seats therefore do they feel their vote is needed.
Name 3 types of non-electoral participation and examples. #Writing to or meeting elected representatives. #Being a member or being involved with a political party. #Being a member of a pressure group.
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