About string phones


Karteikarten am About string phones, erstellt von ana maria menezes am 26/02/2016.
ana maria menezes
Karteikarten von ana maria menezes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
ana maria menezes
Erstellt von ana maria menezes vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Speaking into the cup creates s....... waves which are sound
converted into v............ at the bottom of the cup. vibrations
The vibrations travel along the s.............. and string
are converted back into sound waves a... the other end at
so your friend can h......... what you said. hear
Sound travels through the a....... air
but it travels even better through s......... such as your cup and string solids
allowing you to hear sounds that might be too far a.......... away
when traveling t............ the air. through
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