Spanish - travel


year 9 Year 9 (Spanish) Karteikarten am Spanish - travel, erstellt von Aoife McMahon am 01/03/2016.
Aoife McMahon
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Aoife McMahon
Kopiert von Aoife McMahon vor fast 9 Jahre
Aoife McMahon
Kopiert von Aoife McMahon vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
fui a I went to
España Spain
Alemania Germany
Francia France
Los Estados Unidos USA
Italia Italy
India India
Australia Australia
México Mexico
fui en I went by
tren train
avión plane
autocar coach/bus
barco boat
coche car
autobús bus
monopatin skateboard
fui a pie I went by foot
fue it was
estupendo amazing
genial great
guay cool
chulo sick
aburrido boring
horrible horrible
un desastre a disaster
estupantoso awful
bomba amazing/the best
bonito/a pretty
divertido/a fun
emocionantes exciting
tranquilo/a calm/tranquil
un rollo a bore/chore
mal bad
fenomenal fenomenal
bueno good
tan so/really
ya que because
porque because
había there was
mucho que hacer lots to do
nada que hacer nothing to do
un problema a problem
una playa preciosa a beautiful beach
nieve snow
mucho gente lots of people
comida rice tasty food
hace sol it is sunny
hizo sol it was sunny
hay nievo it is snowing
hay nevó it was snowing/it snowed
hace viento it is windy
hizo viento it was windy
hace calor it is hot
hizo calor it was hot
hace frío it is cold
hizo frío it was cold
vajar to travel
submannismo scuba-diving
ni... ni... nor... nor...
tuve que (+inf) I have to
hagobuceo I dive
voy I go
en las vacaciones in the holidays
nado I swim
hago I do
salimos we go out
pasé I spent
hizo it was
lo pasé it was
vamos a ir we are going to go
vamos a quedamos we are going to stay
si is (yes when there is an accent on the 'i')
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