Unit 9 (E)


Karteikarten am Unit 9 (E), erstellt von zainifa am 17/04/2013.
Karteikarten von zainifa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von zainifa vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
6:Companies in china have developed procedures through which younger workers often rise more quickly into leadership positions than young people on similar tracks in the west. (mechanisms, parallel) 6:Companies in china have developed (mechanisms) through which younger workers often rise more quickly into leadership positions than young people on (parallel) tracks in the west.
7:These companies also offer different amounts of money as a reward for work of appropriate value. For example, they might award an employee 100 U.S.dollars to take the family out for dinner after completing a project (corresponding, currency) 7:These companies also offer different amounts of money as a reward for work of (corresponding) value. For example, they might award an employee 100 U.S.(currency) to take the family out for dinner after completing a project
8:The success of Tan's new employer in attracting and keeping employees is partly due to the benefits it offers that can't be quantified. The company works hard to make employees feel recognized and appreciated. (portion, qualitative) 8:The success of Tan's new employer in attracting and keeping employees is (portion) due to the benefits it offers that can't be (qualitative). The company works hard to make employees feel recognized and appreciated.
5:Rather, they hope that employees will reward them by being loyal and standing with the company for along time.( Devotion) 5: Rather,they hope that employees will reward them by being (devotion) and standing with the company for along time.
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