1: lesson 9


Mandarin Language (1: Chpt 9) Karteikarten am 1: lesson 9, erstellt von cellert am 21/01/2014.
Karteikarten von cellert, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von cellert vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
商店 shang(-)dian(\) store
mai(v) to buy
东西 dong(-)xi things
售货员 shou(\)huo(\)yuan(/) salesperson
衣服 yi(-)fu clothes
jian(\) mw for clothes
衬衫 chen(\)shan(-) shirt
颜色 yan(/)se(\) colour
huang(/) yellow
hong(/) red
bai(/) white
hei(-) black
穿 chuan(-) to wear
tiao(/) mw for long, thin objects
裤子 ku(\)zi pants
hao(\) size
zhong(-) medium; middle
xiao(v) small
da(\) big
便宜 pian(/)yi cheap; inexpensive
如果 ru(/)guo(v) if
的话 de hua(\) the end to a "rugo" statement
长短 chang(/)duan(v) length
合适 he(/)shi(\) suitable
shi(\) to try
不用 bu(/)yong(\) need not
一共 yi(/)gong(\) altogether
多少 duo(-)shao how much/how many
qian(/) money
kuai(\) mw for the basic Chinese monetary unit
mao(/) mw for 1/10th of a kuai
fen(-) mw for 1/100th of a kuai
bai(v) hundred
zhao(v) to give change
shuang(-) mw for pairs
xie(/) shoes
huan(\) to exchange
一样 yi(/)yang(\) the same; alike
虽然 sui(-)ran(/) although
大小 da(\)xiao(v) size
咖啡色 ka(-)fe(-) brown
zhong(v) mw for kinds, types
样子 yang(\)zi style
ting(v) very
ta(-) it
这人 zher(\) here
刷卡 shua(-) ka(v) to pay with credit card
信用卡 xin(\)yong(\)ka(v) credit card
shou(-) to receive; accept
不过 bu(/)guo(\) however; but
zai(\) again
付钱 fu(\) qian(/) to pay with cash
gui(\) expensive
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