Erstellt von Bryony Whitehead
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
(dar) la enhorabuena | (to) congratulate |
(iniciar) los trámites de divorcio | (to initiate) divorce proceedings |
a partir de tres meses | from 3 months |
a pleno derecho | legally |
abogados | lawyers |
acabar en divorcio | to end in divorce |
acceder al divorcio | to lead to divorce |
acordar | to agree to |
acusar de infelidad a | to accuse ... of being unfaithful |
admitir las propias faltas | to admit your own faults |
adoptar niños | to adopt children |
ahorrar impuestos | to save taxes |
alegar | to alledge |
alegarse de que | to be happy that |
amistoso | friendly |
apoyarse el uno al otro | to support each other |
aprender a comunicarse | to learn to communicate |
banquete (m)/merienda | the wedding banquet/meal |
bendecir | to bless |
boda musulmana | muslim wedding |
buscar mi 'media naranja' | to look for my 'other half'/soulmate |
buscar una pareja | to look for a partner |
casarse | to get married |
casarse por lo civil | to get married at a registry office |
celebrar su relación | to celebrate their relationship |
cocinar | to cook |
compartir la custodia de los niños | to share custody of the children |
compartir los bienes en común | to share the good things in common |
compartir los mismos valores | to share the same values |
compartir los quehaceres | to share the chores |
complacer a alguien | to please someone |
confiar (en alguien) | to trust (someone) |
consentir (a alguien) | to consent (to someone) |
convites | banquet, wedding reception |
convivencia | living together |
creer en Dios | to believe in God |
criada | maid |
criticar | to criticise |
cubrir todos los gastos | to cover all the costs |
cuidarse a si mismo | to look after yourself |
darse vergüenza | to be embarrased |
decepcionar | to disappoint |
dejar pasar a | to let sthg happen |
dejar de ver a los niños | to stop seeing the children |
del mismo género | of the same gender |
derrochar el dinero | to waste money |
divorciarse | to get divorced |
echar | to throw out |
echar la culpa | to blame |
el apoyo | support |
el compromiso | agreement |
el creyente | believer |
el cuidado de los hijos | the care of the children |
el enlace | connection, link |
el juzgado | court, tribunal |
el noviazgo | engagement |
el novio | groom |
el perfil-tipo | typical profile |
el ramo | bouquet |
el régimen de vistas | visit schedule |
el syndrome del nido vacío | empty nest syndrome |
el vestido de la novia | wedding dress |
empeñarse en | to insist on |
empeorar | to worsen |
enamorarse | to fall in love |
engañar | to trick, fool, mislead |
enterarse | to find out |
escena comprometedora | compromising scene/situation |
esperar (algo) de (alguien) | to hope (sthg) of (s/o) |
esposo/a | spouse |
estar acostumbrado a | to be accustomed to/to be used to |
estar casado/a | to be married |
estar decepcionado | to be disappointed |
estar embarazada | to be pregnant |
estar juntos | to be together |
falta determinar | it lacks determening |
felicitaciones | congratulations |
formar una familia | to make a family |
fregar | to clean, wash, scrub |
ganar un bueno sueldo | to earn a good wage |
girar | to turn |
hablar en vez de discutir | to talk instead of arguing |
hacer falta la estabilidad | to need stability |
horario flexible laboral | flexible working hours |
impedir a | to prevent |
independizarse | to become independent |
la baja por maternidad | maternity leave |
la boda | wedding |
la ceremonia religiosa | religious ceremony |
la familia patriarchal | patriarchal family |
la infedelidad | unfaithfullness |
la lágrima falsa | crocodile tears (false tears) |
la luna de miel | honeymoon |
la mujer independizada | independent woman |
la novia | bride |
la pension alimenticia | alimony payment |
la única fuente de ingresos | the only source of income |
la vida de casados | married life |
la vida de recién casada | newly-wed life |
la vida en pareja | life as a couple |
las tasas de divorcio | divorce rates |
legalizar el divorcio | to legalise divorce |
llevar al altar | to take to the altar |
llevar la casa | to run the house |
llevar un tiempo serperado | to have time apart |
llevar una relación un tanto distante | to have a long distance relationship |
lograr | to achieve |
los complementos | complements, accessories |
los cónyuges | spouses |
los ex-cónyuges | ex-spouses |
los impuestos | taxes |
los malos tratos | abuse |
los novios | bride and groom |
los trámites | procedures |
luchar por mis derechos | to fight for my rights |
mantener contacto | to maintain contact |
mantenerse fiel a la relación | to remain faithful to the relationship |
marido | husband |
matrimonio civil | civil service |
matrimonio homosexual | gay marriage |
matrimonio por la iglesia | religious wedding/church wedding |
meterse | to get involved |
negarse a (hacer lgo) | to refuse (to do something) |
no escatimar gastos | to not scrimp on the costs |
ocultar la frustración | to hide frustration |
perder de vista | to lose seeing |
perdonar pequeños errores | to forgive small errors |
perjudicado | wronged, harmed |
planchar | to iron |
poner fin a su relación | to finish their relationship |
por consenso | by agreement |
por el bien de los hijos | for the good of the children |
por segunda vez | for the second time |
problemas conyugales | marital problems |
quedarse | to remain |
quedarse con la custodia | to keep custody |
resolver sus diferencias | to resolve their differences |
respetar el espacio vital | to respect personal space |
respetarse el uno al otro | to respect each other |
responsabilizarse por los niños | to take responsibility for the children |
ruptura | break up |
seguridad económica | economic security |
sentirse impotente | to feel powerless |
separar de mutuo acuerdo | to separate by mutual agreement |
separarse | to seperate |
ser celoso/a | to be jealous |
ser comprensivo/a | to be understanding |
ser creyente | to be a believer |
ser fiel | to be faithful |
ser sincero/a | to be sincere/honest |
ser tratada como una princesa | to be treated like a princess |
síndrome de alienación paternal | absent father syndrome |
soltero/a | single |
tener hijos | to have children |
tener intereses independientes | to have independent interests |
tener la custodia de los niños | to have custody of the children |
tener nietos | to have grandchildren |
tener su propio sueldo | to have your own wage |
tener una relación | to have a relationship |
términos amistosos | friendly terms |
tomar las cosas en serio | to take things seriously |
traer dishonra | to bring dishonour |
traicionar | to betray |
trajes | suits, outfits |
tras menos de 5 años | after less than 5 years |
tratar de cambiar a la otra persona | to try to change the other person |
un juez/una jueza | judge |
un rifirrafe | altercation, squable |
un varón | man |
una época mala | a bad time |
una mujer | a woman |
una pareja de hecho | common-law partner |
vivir en pareja | to live together |
vivir juntos antes de casarse | to live together before getting married |
volar el nido | to fly the nest |
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