Geology WJEC GCSE Revision Flashcards


Karteikarten von hannahashahudson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von hannahashahudson vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
What is a mineral? A naturally occurring substance
What are minerals used for? Their properties: Lustre, sine and hardness. Which can make money
What do we use to identify a mineral? Colour, Hardness, Streak, Clevage, Lustre, Density and Reaction with Acid.
How is hardness of a rock or mineral tested? Scratching a mineral on a specimen then judging it against Moh's scale: Talc is the softest and Diamond is the hardest.
What is a streak test? Streak means the coloured of the powdered mineral, this is tested by rubbing the rock on a porcelain tile.
What is a mineral lustre and what are the types of it? Lustre describes the way a mineral reflects light: metallic, vitreous (glassy or dull.
What does density mean in relation to minerals? Density means heaviness in comparison to its size Density=mass/volume
If you put acid on a... it fizzes Carbonate
Explain the process in which free flowing lava cools. As it cools it forms Basalt. Gases escape easily and the lava cools steadily not blocking the volcano vent -they are less violent then other volcano types therefore is not explosive as the volcano has no time to trap gases as there is a constant flow.
Lava which is very slowly running (viscous) cools to form.... Rhyolite which has different chemical properties to Basalt -which is formed by free flowing lava.
When does Rhyolite crystalize? Very early on whilst trapping gas and making pressure build up.
What do volcanoes that produce Rhyolite look like? Cone shaped
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