Tour Script - The Numbers Game


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Frage Antworten
What % of our students eventually continue on to graduate school? 86%
UC Davis is ranked __th in the nation among public universities (U.S. News & World Report). UC Davis is ranked 9th in the nation among public universities (U.S. News & World Report).
Sierra magazine has named UC Davis the nation’s “__th Coolest School” for its sustainability and climate change efforts “4th Coolest School”
UC Davis is ranked #__ in the world for teaching and research in agriculture and forestry UC Davis is ranked #1 in the world for teaching and research in agriculture and forestry
We are also tied for __st among research universities as the top producer of U.S. Fulbright Scholars We are also tied for 1st among research universities (tied with UC Berkeley and Penn State) as the top producer of U.S. Fulbright Scholars
1 out of how many Californians is an Aggie grad? 1 out of every 175 Californians is an Aggie Grad
What is our student to faculty ratio? 15:1
King Hall is ranked in the top ... of all law schools top 40 of all law schools
How many undergraduate majors do we offer? 100 undergraduate majors
Our graduate studies offer how many programs? 94 graduate programs leading to Master's and Doctoral Degrees
How many students do we have? How many undergrad? graduate? 33,000 students; 26,000 undergrad; 7,000 graduate
How many acres is our campus? 5,300 acres
How many visitors come to us on Picnic Day? We attract over 50,000 visitors on Picnic Day
What % of our student stays for summer session? 25%, or a quarter, stay for summer quarter
How many inches of rain do we get in the winter? 17.5 inches of rain
How many music majors/minors do we have? 140 music majors, 150 music minors
How many different languages do we offer? Over 14 different languages
How many volumes do we have in Shields? 3 million volumes in Shields
Shields is in the top ... research libraries in North America top 65 research libraries
How much does the Shuttle that runs between UCD and UCB cost? $11 each way
the ICC places how many students in internships all over the globe? Over 5,500 students in internships
Career Recruitment Services brings how many companies to campus? Over 850 companies
Student Employment Office places how many students in on-campus jobs each year? Over 6,000 students in on campus jobs each year
The Coffee House grosses over how many million a year? CoHo grosses over 3 million a year
What is the ASUCD's yearly budget? ASUCD has a budget of over $10 million a year
How many different clubs are offered by CSI? Over 625 clubs
The old Viticulture and Enology building has a wine cellar with a storing capacity of how many bottles of wine? The cellar has a capability of storing over 60,000 bottles
What year was Viticulture and Enology founded? When did it come to UCD? Originally founded in 1880 at Berkeley, moved to UCD in 1935 after Prohibition ended
How many bikes are in the city of Davis? Over 40,000 bikes
How many study abroad programs do we have? We have over 40 programs worldwide
How many spectators does our Pavilion seat? The Pavilion seats over 6,400 spectators
How many spectators does our Aggie Stadium seat? Aggie stadium seats over 10,000 spectators
Aggie Stadium is worth how many millions? 31 million dollar Aggie Stadium
How many NCAA division 1 sports do we have? Men's? Women's? 23 NCAA Sports. 9 Men's, 14 Women's
How many student athletes do we have? Over 600 student athletes
We have finished in the top ...% of ALL Division 1 teams in the US Top 35% of all Division 1 teams
What are examples of different BioSci Majors we offer? Evolution & Ecology, Microbiology, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Genetics, Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior (NPB), Exercise Biology, and many more, including our #1 department in the nation for both graduate work and undergraduate work, Plant Biology.
We rank in the top ___ Life Sciences Universities in the nation Top 20 Life Sciences Universities in the nation
We rank ___ nationally as most prolific in Environment/Ecology We rank 1st nationally as most prolific in Environment/Ecology
We rank ___ in the nation in Evolution and Ecology graduate programs We rank 3rd in the nation in Evolution and Ecology graduate programs
We rank ___ nationally among all reported graduate programs in Biological Sciences We rank #20 nationally among all reported graduate programs in Biological Sciences
We confers the highest number of _______ in Biological Sciences We confer the highest number of bachelor and doctoral degrees in Biological Sciences
The Sciences Laboratory Building is worth how many million? 58 million dollar Sciences Laboratory Building
Our for evolution and ecology studies is ranked ____ in the country Our for evolution and ecology studies is ranked 3rd in the country
How many departments within the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences engaged to create a new major? 9 departments created the new Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) Major
Our Veterinary School is ranked what in the nation? School of Veterinary Medicine is often ranked #1 in the nation
How many majors in the College of Engineering? Over 15 majors in the college of engineering
How many students in the College of Engineering? Over 3,400 students in engineering
Our college of engineering has been ranked top ___ in the nation Top 20 in the nation for public engineering programs
___ engineering faculty have received the National Science Foundation career award 46 faculty who have received the National Science Foundation career award
In physics and geology we have __ professors who are honored members of the National Academy of Science 5 professors who are honored members of the National Academy of Science
How many libraries do we have on campus? 5 libraries
Nutrition is ranked ___ in the nation Nutrition is ranked among the top 5 in the Nation
Our medical school is ranked in the top ___ in turning out primary care physicians Our medical school is ranked in the top 20 in turning out primary care physicians
our Medical Center ranks among the top __ hospitals in America our Medical Center ranks among the top 50 hospitals in America
Housing is guaranteed for ___ years to incoming freshmen, and ___ year for transfer students. Housing is guaranteed for two years to incoming freshmen, and one year for transfer students.
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