Infection: The Infected Patient


SGUL LOBs for Infection: The Infected Patient
Andrew Street
Karteikarten von Andrew Street, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrew Street
Erstellt von Andrew Street vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
1484 List acute consequences of infxn. Cytokine effects (fever, malaise, anorexia, catabolic state, inc white cells & platelets, acute phase response) / Circulatory failure / DIC / Organ damage and failure from shock (eg renal failure), direct invasion (eg pneumonia producing resp failure), or by multiple mechanisms (eg adult resp distress synd). MAAG p85.
1484 List chronic consequences of infxn. Muscle wasting & weight loss / Anaemia of chronic DS / Permanent organ destruction (eg liver cirrhosis from chronic hepatits) / Post infective phenomena (eg lactose intolerance after GI infxn). MAAG p85.
1484 List AI phenomena of infxn. Generalised synd's (eg post streptococcal phenomena such as rheumatic fever) / System specific (eg Guillain-Barre synd post viral infxn or cerebellar synd's post chickenpox, haemolytic anaemia post Mycoplasma infxn) / Rheumatological (eg arthritis post gut infxn or UTI) / Dermatological (eg scarlet fever rash post streptococcal infxn). MAAG p85.
1485 List factors predisposing to infxn (hint - split into 3 sections). 1) Exposure: travel Hx, occupation, animal exposure, sexual activity, household contacts, living environment, ingestion of food & water, trauma, medical contact or receipt of BD or tissue. 2) Microorganism factors: infecting dose, virulence, duration of exposure, ability to evade the immune system. 3) Host factors: age, nutrition, immune status, genetic makeup. MAAG p84.
1486 Define PUO. A temperature > 38.3 C for > 3/52 with no obvious source despite appropriate investigation. OHOCM p386.
1486 List common causes of PUO. Infxn's / Neoplasms / Connective tissue DS / Others (eg drugs, PE, stroke, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, sarcoid). OHOCM p386.
1487 What DS is this rash typically associated with and describe the rash. Meningitis. Petechial rash which is non-blanching. OHOCM p832.
1488 List 1st line Ix for a febrile pt. Ix for a PUO: FBC / CRP / ESR / U & E's / Liver biochem / BD cultures - repeat / Urine MC & S / CXR / Sputum MC & S, & acid-fast bacilli / Stools for ova, cysts, parasites & culture & sensitivity / Store serum for future Ix / Take swabs from wounds for culture / Screen for AI rheumatic disorders / Relevent Ix pertaining to travel (eg thick & thin BD films for malaria). KACCICM p2.
1489 Explain the EWS system and its relavence to infxn. EWS covers: 1) Resp rate 2) O2 sats 3) Temp 4) Systolic BP 5) Pulse 6) LOC. See
1490 Discuss how sepsis can lead to multi-organ failure. Septic shock = severe sepsis with hypotension which persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation. This occurs due to endotoxin release from pathogens or a cytokine mediated immune response leading to +++ vasodilation & +++ vascular permeability. This can lead to hypo-perfusion of organs and loss of function. MAAG p350.
1491 Describe the immediate Mx of the septic pt. O2 / BD cultures & other antimicrobial sampling / Broad spectrum ABx post sampling / IV fluid resuscitation / Measure lactate (indicates severity) / Localise site of infxn (eg CXR, CT abdo, check IV lines) / Abscesses should be Dx using imaging and drained / Haemodynamic support / Renal support for acute failure / BD product support for anaemia, thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy. MAAG p351.
1495 List causes of PUO: bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal, neoplastic, connective tissue DS, granulomatous DS, others. Bacterial: abscess, subacute bacterial endocarditis, TB, brucellosis, typhoid, leptospirosis, Q fever, cat scratch DS. Viral: influenza, glandular fever, HIV, CMV. Fungal: candidiasis, aspergillosis, Pneumocystis jirovecii (causes pneumonia in HIV). Protozoal: malaria, amoebiasis, toxoplasmosis. Neoplastic: hypernephroma, lymphoma, hepatoma, acute leukemia. Connective tissue DS: rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa and other vasculitis, temporal arteritis. Granulomatous DS: Crohn's DS, sarcoidosis. Others: MI, post-immunisation, drug induced, PE, familial Mediterranean fever, factitious. DDx p395.
1496 For a pt with a PUO list useful initial screening Ix's. FBC / LFT's / CRP / ESR / BD cultures / Urine dip / CXR. MAAG p86.
1497 List common opportunistic infxn's seen in HIV. Pneumonia (often caused by Pneumocystis carinii (jirovecii)) / CMV (occurs late stage - main problem caused is progressive retinitis but also causes gut, NS, and lung infxn's) / Toxoplasmosis (most commonly causes encephalitis in late stage) / Kaposi's sarcoma (caused by herpes virus 8) / N0n-Hodgkins lymphoma (10% in late stage) / Cryptococcal DS (yeast like fungus causing pulmonary DS, meningitis, cryptocaemia) / TB / Candida infxn's (esp oesophageal). MAAG p354 & OHOCM p410.
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