GCSE terminology


- revision of key terms used to analyse texts
Bob Read
Karteikarten von Bob Read, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Bob Read
Erstellt von Bob Read vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
direct address to talk straight to the reader
imperative verb a form of the verb when used to give instructions
hyperbole exaggeration e.g. 'OMG - It's hot here in Ibiza! I'm dying of thirst!'
simple sentence a sentence with one main clause e.g. The man walked down the road.
rhetorical question a question that doesn't need an answer
irony Saying one thing when you mean another e.g. 'What a nice friend she turned out to be!'
colloquial language informal, everyday language
cinematic effect an effect that makes readers feel they are watching a film
compound sentence two sentences linked by a conjunction e.g. 'John went by car but I walked.'
complex sentence two or more clauses joined by a subordinating conjunction e.g. 'The game was called off because the pitch was frozen.'
pun humorous play on words
alliteration sequence of words beginning with the same letter
list of three series of three words that catches your attention
onomatopoeia words that sound like the noise they describe e.g. bang, crash, whizz
emotive language language that appeals to the emotions
idioms everyday sayings that are not meant to be taken literally
simile A phrase that compares one thing with another e.g. 'His face was as pale as the moon.'
metaphor Describing something by saying it is something else. 'Life is a roller coaster.'
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