Biology - Section 1


The nature and variety of living organisms
Karteikarten von 14kuay1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 14kuay1 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the characteristics of living organisms? MRS C. GREN Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Control, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition
Features of the following organism: Plants Features of Plants Multicellular organisms Chloroplasts Contain Chlorophyll for photosynthesis Cellulose cell walls Store carbohydrates as starch or sucrose
Features of the following organism: Animals Animals Multicellular organisms No chloroplasts - Can't carry out photosynthesis Cells Do not have cell walls Store Carbohydrates as Glycogen
Features of the following organism: Fungi Fungi No Chloroplasts - Do not carry out Photosynthesis Body is organised in thread-like structures called hyphae Chitin cell walls May store carbohydrates as glycogen
Features of the following organism: Bacteria Bacteria Single-cellular organisms Some can carry out photosynthesis Don't contain a nucleus
Features of the following organism: Protoctists Protoctists Amoeba - Lives in pond water Chlorella - Contains Chloroplasts Plasmodium - Responsible for malaria Have features like plant and animal cells
Features of the following organism: Viruses Viruses Small particles Can only reproduce inside living cells One type of nucleic acid - DNA or RNA
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