

Karteikarten am Untitled_2, erstellt von george123 am 29/04/2013.
Karteikarten von george123, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von george123 vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what is healthier to drink-hard or soft water? hard water, as it contains calcium compounds that are good for the development of bones
How is drinking water treated to make it safe? by sedimentation and filtration to remove solids. followed by disinfection to kill microbes, chlorine is used to kill microbes
why is distillation not used to treat mains tap drinking water? distillation is expensive as it requires a large amount of energy to boil the water and there fore would not be appropriate
one advantage of softening water it is important as hard water causes problems in heating systems and with washing
one advantage of hard water has health benefits
what would be the consequences of not adding chlorine or flouride to tap water? no chlorine would mean increased health risks, more spreading of decease. no Florine would mean tooth decay or poor dental health
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