Erstellt von Henry Petrie
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Simile | A comparison to show how two objects or ideas are similar. For example, "Her hair is as yellow as sunlight; her eyes shone like glass." |
Metaphor | a comparison where one idea or object is figuratively shown as being something else. For example, "He groaned and jerked his way out of bed: a zombie fresh from the grave." |
Hyperbole | Obvious exaggeration. For example, "I've told you a million times." |
Personification | Giving human or animal characteristics or feelings to an inanimate object. |
Pathetic Fallacy | a type of personification where emotions are reflected in the weather or other objects. For example, "a furious wind carried angry clouds overhead" |
Onomatopoeia | sound-words, eg. bang, pow, swoosh. |
Oxymoron | a combination of two words with opposing meanings, eg. bittersweet, deafening silence |
Atmosphere | the overall mood created, which can be positive or negative depending on word choice. |
The five senses | touch, taste, smell, sound, sight; use these to make your description stimulate different senses. |
Descriptive verbs | eg. ‘bellowed’, ‘screamed’, or ‘hollered’ rather than ‘shouted’ |
Big picture and zoom | Moving between an overview of a scene and specific details in the scene. |
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