Media Studies


Year 11 Media Studies Karteikarten am Media Studies, erstellt von Ellen Crittall am 13/10/2016.
Ellen Crittall
Karteikarten von Ellen Crittall, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ellen Crittall
Erstellt von Ellen Crittall vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is it called when two companies join together to bring more attention to a product? Synergy
Why would a rapper use a low angle shot in a music video? To make them appear larger and more powerful, to give a worms-eye view
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ähnlicher Inhalt

Camera Angles
Marketing and Distributing
Shannon Clarke
Silent Films
Joanna MacQueen
Week 2: Multimedia Learning Theories and Instructional Design: A Synthesis of Reading By: Jen Bosler
How close is spoken language to digital media communication?
Emily Newman
General Digital Use & Development
The Hollywood Studios
digital media
Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability
Lewis Hainey
The Independent Press Standards organisation (IPSO)
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