Cold Environments Key Words


A Levels Geography Karteikarten am Cold Environments Key Words, erstellt von RachelBean am 26/03/2014.
Karteikarten von RachelBean, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von RachelBean vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Glacier Tongue shaped mass of ice which moves downhill due to gravity
Fluvioglacial Processes/Landforms associated with glacial meltwater
Ice Age Period of time during which temperatures are cold and mostly covered with ice
Periglacial Area surrounding the edge of a glacial area
Ice Sheets Processes/landforms associated with fringe of or near to the ice sheet or glacier
Tundra cold environment with sparse vegetation, located around the outside of the artic regions
Insolation Energy received in the form of radiation from the sun by earth
Albedo Sunlight reflected back out to space
Katabatic winds Strong downslope winds
Wind chill Extra chill caused by high wind speed of very cold winds
Snow line Lowest edge of permanent snow cover on a mountain
Alpine Glacier temperate glacier - located in mountainous areas with high altitudes
Polar Glaciers located in polar regions where temperatures are permanently below 0 & ground is frozen underneath
Basal Flow Flow at the base of a glacier
Rotational Flow Movement of ice in a corrie
Compressing Flow Ice moving downhill due to a reduction in gradient
Extended flow Valley gradient gets steeper, which stretches out the ice
Bergshrund the gap between a glacier and the backwall of a corrie
Surge when a glacier moves rapidly very suddenly
Creep when a glacier moves over imperfections in the bedrock
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