Mount Etna 2002 case study


Case study of Mount Etna 2002, including impacts and responses.
Evie Davis
Karteikarten von Evie Davis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Evie Davis
Erstellt von Evie Davis vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Mt Etna - Italy Island of Sicily Primary Impacts >Social Destroyed the tourist station at Piano Provenzana Skiing areas being damaged explosion of a water tank that caused 30 people to be injured
Primary Impacts >Environment The eruption caused clouds of gas and ash to be expelled from vents in the volcano Hundreds of hectares of forest that covered the slopes of Mount Etna were destroyed. Primary Impacts >Economic A restaurant was destroyed Wine vineyards and farms destroyed Main airport in Catania closed 300 family businesses destroyed
Secondary Impacts >Social A series of earthquakes followed causing people to leave their homes Secondary Impacts >Environmental Fertile soil Decline in animal habitats
Secondary Impacts >Economic Businesses and agriculture were impacted Tax breaks to those living in Catania $8 million damage repairs Immediate Responses Mass evacuation of people living in the danger zone A ship equipped with medical supplies positioned near Catania Channels were dug to divert lava flow People moved into holiday homes
Secondary Responses Active monitoring of seismic activity and gasses that come from the volcano
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