Pigeon english


NORMAL English Language and Literature Karteikarten am Pigeon english, erstellt von jasmine Koroma am 19/11/2016.
jasmine Koroma
Karteikarten von jasmine Koroma, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
jasmine Koroma
Erstellt von jasmine Koroma vor mehr als 8 Jahre

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Pigeon English Quotes
You could see the blood -colour symbolism) the blood representing the dead boy
X-Fire was teaching us about stabbing This shows us that X-Fire is a bad influence towards Harrison
I smile when i try to lie Harrison cannot lie even when he tries to lie to his mum he always smiles
Mr Frimpong is the loudest singer in church Harrison is making fun of Mr Frimpong's singing
Agnes couldn't come because mamma worked all the time 'Worked all the time' meant that Harrison didn't have anyone to look after him except Lydia, this gives Harrison the advantage to hang out more with X-Fire
He's going to buy some more tickets and we'll be together again 'Together' this means that the family want to be reunited again
'My Chelsea shirt is a bit too scratchy' 'scratchy' shows that Harrison has had the shirt for a long time and it need to be changed but his family doesn't have enough money to buy a new one.
'Every time you see him he's carrying something he stole' 'Stole' this means that a lot of crime is in the area
'The buildings here are almighty' 'almighty' means that he's never seen a building as big as where he use to live in Ghana
'Julius came back with a bat and no ball so we couldn't play' Dramatic irony is used because we know what Julius has been doing with the bat however, Harrison doesn't seem to know
Religion Quotes
'At church we say prayers to the dead boy' Show that the congregation is still thinking about the dead boy
'You can't see heaven until you're ready' Show that Harrison's family is very religious
'Prays her hardest' Mamma loves to pray especially for children
Structure of chapters 5 Chapters
March plane Harrison and his family arriving to London
April (spring should be happy) Tradegy Fingerprint- Jesus /Harri easter
May Camera a lot of crime is in the area
June River where the weapon was dumped
July Pigeon freedom Summer holiday Harrison dies last day of school Remembrance day
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