12.1 animal and plant pathogens concept cards


These are the concept cards for 12.1 animal and plant disease.
Ibrahim Bangura
Karteikarten von Ibrahim Bangura, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ibrahim Bangura
Erstellt von Ibrahim Bangura vor etwa 8 Jahre

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12.1 Animal and plant diseases. Concept Cards
Describe how Gram staining helps us treat bacterial infections. Gram staining the type of cell wall a Bacteria has.(Purple-Blue or red). This tells us how the bacteria will react to different antibiotics.
Describe what viruses do to living cells. 1:They invade them. 2:Take over biochemistry of cells 3:Cell now makes more viruses.
Why are fungal infections of plants so problematic to them? Fungal infections of plants normally attack leaves. This stops the plant photosynthesing. Which kills the plant. Fungi also produce a lot of spores when it divides meaning it can spread across a number of plants very quickly.
How do viruses and protists cause symptoms of a disease? Bursting out of cells. Which kills them. Protists also digest the cell's content
How do bacteria cause the symtonms of a disease? They produce toxins that damage cells. These toxins can: Break down the cell's cell membrane, damage enzymes or interact with DNA of cell stopping it dividing.
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