Media Terminology


A Levels Media Studies Karteikarten am Media Terminology, erstellt von RachelC am 03/04/2014.
Karteikarten von RachelC, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von RachelC vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Binary Oppositions are used to shape a narrative (Good v Bad etc)
Broadsheet is a physically large newspaper with a focus on hard news and political commentary
Camera Angle is the height of the angle relative to the subject (in a high angle shot the camera is above the subject etc)
Convention is a generally accepted custom or an established rule
Convergence is the coming together of different technologies or organisations
Diegetic Sound is in frame sound (it is happening within the narrative)
Non-diegetic Sound is out of frame sound (a voiceover)
Enigma is one of Barthes' codes which describes the way a text establishes a mystery for an audience which will then be resolved by the narrative
Form is the way a text is put together to create meaning for an audience
Genre is a way to classify a media text as a type
Ideology is a system of beliefs that conforms to characteristics of a particular group
Intertextuality is a postmodern term to describe the way we understand a postmodern text by its relations to other texts
Mis-en-scene refers to the way a shot is visually staged for the camera.
Stereotype is a simplistic and often two-dimensional representation of a group or place
Synergy is the establishment of a relationship between different mediaorganisation which benefits both organisations
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