

Phase 1; - What is the purpose of the Front-side bus? Phase 2; - What is the formula for throughput? - What is the meaning of the formula? - What are half, full or simple duplex? - SATA or PATA has a higher throughput? - What is a bottleneck?
Syabil Hafizdini
Karteikarten von Syabil Hafizdini, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Syabil Hafizdini
Erstellt von Syabil Hafizdini vor etwa 8 Jahre

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What is the purpose of the Front-side bus? - The Front-side bus connects the CPU to the chipset that connects the CPU to the rest of the bus architecture.
What is the formula for throughput? - throughput = clock speed * width
What is the meaning of the formula? - Throughput means data rate - In another way, it means the amount of data it can get through from point A to point B correctly. - Clock speed - how fast the bits are being pumped over to the buses - Bus width - Number of bits it can transfer per cycle - If the throughput is high means it has a higher data rate with lesser errors
What is a half, full and simple duplex?
SATA or PATA has a higher throughput? SATA: An SATA connection would have a higher throughput. An SATA connection can achieve a maximum theoretical throughput of 6Gbps as compared to a PATA which can achieve only a maximum theoretical throughput of 1.064Mbps. The reason is because at a higher clock speed, PATA a parallel transfer tends to suffer from time skewing and cross talk. This will result in data loss and a lower throughput data rate.
What is a bottleneck? - A bottleneck is a component or resource which limits the end-to-end throughput.
If the clock speed of a bus is operating at 200 MHz, given that it is operating at HALF- DUPLEX with a width of 32 bits, calculate the throughput of the bus in Gbps? Data rate = clock speed * width = (200*10^6) * 32 = 6.4 Gbps
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