Planetary Objects


Amanda Chaiet
Karteikarten von Amanda Chaiet, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amanda Chaiet
Erstellt von Amanda Chaiet vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Caloris Basin large impact crater, 960 miles diameter with antipodal chaotic terrain
Global Scarps sheer cliffs that formed when large iron core cooled and shrank
Dynamo Effect A planet’s magnetic field is generated by a mechanism where an electrically conductive core (such as iron) is at least partially liquid and has a rapid enough rotation.
Tunguska Insert Fact
Chixulub Insert Fact
Barringer Insert Fact
Valles Marineris large valley that is as long as distance across the US
Olympus Mons tallest volcano in Solar System; a shield volcano
Hellas Basin a crater almost 2000 km in diameter
Ceres The largest known asteroid discovered by Giuseppi Piazzi is spherical and is also classified as a dwarf planet.
Asteroids Composed of mostly rock and metal. Many may be simply rubble piles with lots of empty space. In a donut region around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
Ovoids Large racetrack like features on Miranda
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