Boxing Day Tsunami Case Study


The social, economic, environmental impacts on Indonesia after the 2004 boxing day tsunami. Also includes causes, responses and implications.
Evie Davis
Karteikarten von Evie Davis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Evie Davis
Erstellt von Evie Davis vor etwa 8 Jahre

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Boxing Day Tsunami 2004 Causes Indian Ocean earthquake 9.1–9.3 magnitude Epicentre off the coast of Indonesia Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate No warning system in place to warm locals of the quake.
Primary Impacts - Social Estimated 230,000 dead in Indonesia 655,000 are homeless or living in camps 37,000 are still missing Simeulue island - 90% of buildings along the coast destroyed Calang - 30% of townspeople survived Primary Impacts - Environmental Coral reefs, mangroves, coastal areas, wetlands, agricultural fields and forests, were badly damaged Removal of mangroves worsened the impact of the waves Landfill sites in Banda Ache were dragged out to the ocean
Economic Impacts Shrimp farms and valuable farm land destroyed Trade became difficult as sea levels changed and debris was shifted in the water making it hard for boats to cross $4.40 billion costs in damage 8 years to complete the rebuild Immediate Responses US$14 billion in aid for regions affected World Renew provided water and sanitation facilities,medical aid, food, and shelter to 19,651 people Efforts to burry the dead to prevent disease outbreaks Action Aid raised £13million in food aid.
Long Term Responses World Renew built 642 temporary homes were built in 12 villages, housing 1,500 people by 2006 Action Aid offered psychological counselling, paid for boats for fishing communities, rebuilt schools Early Warning System Nanometrics and RESULTS Marine Private Limited, India, delivered and successfully installed 17 Seismic stations with 2 Central Recording Station to provide the seismic event alert to the scientists through SMS and E-mail automatically within 2 min.
Impacts on Relief Efforts Roads destroyed by flooding Minimal helicopters to fly in aid US sent aid by 15th Jan because of the conditions on the streets A water buffalo destroyed a helicopter and it remained blocking the runway Getting aid through customs
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