

GCSE Biology (Basics) Karteikarten am Nerves, erstellt von Kurts Adams am 19/01/2017.
Kurts  Adams
Karteikarten von Kurts Adams , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kurts  Adams
Erstellt von Kurts Adams vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is inside a nerve? Blood Vessels, Bundles of Nerves, Epineurium
What is a nerve fibre called? Axon
Order in a nerve? Nerve-Bundles Of Nerves-Axons
What is the elbow nerve called? Ulnar Nerve
What kind of signal is passed through nerve fibres? Electrical Signals
What is a neuron link called? A Synapse
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