First Midterm Review for Hardware Semester 2


Karteikarten am First Midterm Review for Hardware Semester 2, erstellt von yousweetdreams am 16/04/2014.
Karteikarten von yousweetdreams, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von yousweetdreams vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is ESD? Electrostatic Discharge
What damage can ESD do? It can damage your MOS-based components
What might one do to mitigate ESD? Wear an anti-static wrist strap
What are the 2 types of screws used in desktop computers? M3 (fine thread) and 632 (course thread)
Where would you use an M3 screw? On an optical drive and on 2.5 inch form factors
What would use a 632 screw? Case, power supply, 3.5 drives, etc.
What term are components such as motherboards known by to describe their shape and dimension? Form factor (example: ATX)
Besides ATX, what are some other popular form factors? Micro-ATX, mini-ITX, BTX and (server only) NLX
What “flash in the pan” form factor for motherboards has I/O ports on opposite side compared to the more popular ATX BTX
What server form factor uses riser card at the very edge of the motherboard? NLX
What is the difference between ATX and micro-ATX? Size
Could you install an ATX motherboard into a system that held a micro-ATX board? No
Could you install a micro-ATX motherboard into a system that held an ATX board? Yes
What is the form factor typically used in small home-theatre cases? Mini-ITX
What are some synonyms for the term motherboard? Main board (or mobo), system board or planar.
What are the two common (or typical) sizes of hard drives? 2.5 inch and 3.5 inch
What are some common rotational speeds of a hard drive? 5400 rpm, 7200 rpm and 10000 rpm
What interfaces are typically used in hard disk drives and optical drives? SATA, Parallel ATA, SCSI and external solutions (usb, firewire, thunderbolt and eSATA)
What is a sector? Subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or an optical disc.
What is a cluster? A group of sectors.
What is a track? A circular path on the surface of a disk
What is a head crash? The read/write head comes in contact with the disk.
What damage can be done by a head crash? Loss of data and may make the hard drive useless.
How is a serial ATA cable different from a parallel ATA cable? Parallel ATA is a ribbon while serial ATA is much thinner and serial ATA is point to point whereas parallel ATA is daisy-chained.
What two filters are found in mechanical hard drives? Recirculating filter and barometric filter.
In hard drives what does the voice coil motor move? The actuator arm
What is S.M.A.R.T.? S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a technology that enables the user to determine a hard drive's reliability and state of its health.
How would you describe RAID 0? Striping
How would you describe RAID 1? Mirroring
How would you describe RAID 3 and 4? Striping with dedicated parity
How would you describe RAID 5? Striping with rotating parity
How is parity calculated? Binary XOR calculation
What RAID level is least likely to be utilized? RAID 2
What level of RAID does not provide fault tolerance? RAID 0
What level of RAID does not use striping of any kind? RAID 1
What level of RAID can withstand a failure of 2 drives and still recover? RAID 6
What does fault tolerance mean? If something fails then the system will still work
What is a software RAID? The RAID task runs on the CPU of your computer system
What is a hardware RAID? A hardware RAID solution has its own processor and memory to run the RAID application
What is the minimum amount of drives needed to implement RAID 5? 3 drives
What is the minimum amount of drives needed to implement RAID 0? 2 drives
What is the minimum amount of drives needed to implement RAID 6? 4 drives
What is a hot spare in a RAID array? Hot spare disks are powered & connected disk drives that are kept on active standby for use when a disk drive fails.
What has replaced PC cards in laptops? ExpressCards
What does it mean to hot-plug or hot-swap a component? The ability to replace or install a device without shutting down the attached computer
What is an example of a hot swappable component? USB drive
How many pins are in DDR1? 200 pins
How many pins are in DDR2? 200 pins
How many pins are in DDR3? 204 pins
What is the most popular battery type in today's laptops? Lithium-ion
What is Speed Step? An Intel innovation that allows the processor to run at a fraction of its speed to save power
Why is it impossible to upgrade the video card in most laptops? The video card is built in to the motherboard
What is considered the most expensive part of a laptop to replace? screen
What makes a Netbook different from a Notebook? Netbook is usually smaller, has a starter version of the OS, is usually proprietary and has a light weight processor
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