11 History-The Weimar System


Karteikarten von melgallagher, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von melgallagher vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
What was article 48? The president could, in an emergency, make laws. This could be dangerous with misuse. (Emergency powers)
What was President Hindenburg's job? To establish a stable government so solutions could be found in economic crisis.
Who was president from March 1930-May 1932? What was he like as a chancellor? Heinrich Bruning. His government couldn't deal with the depression and made things worse by raising taxes, reducing salaries and cutting unemployment benefits. He was unpopular because many were fed up with the consequences of democracy (weak leaders). This mean from 1930-1932 support for the Nazi's grew.
In 1928 how many seats did the Nazi's have in the Reichstag? 12
In 1930 how many seats did the Nazi's have in the Reichstag? 107. Support was growing due to the loss of faith in democracy when Bruning was president.
When did Hitler decide to go against Hindenburg in the presidential election? 1932.
What was the result of the election? Hindenburg- 19 million. Hitler- 13 million. Hitler gained massive publicity for the Nazi's which helped put across Nazi messages. He was seen as a serious politician.
Who was Bruning replaced by in May 1932? von Papen. He couldn't gain enough support to pass laws so called an election.
In July 1932 how many seats did the Nazi's get in the Reichstag? 230 (the single largest party). Hitler then demanded to become chancellor but Hindenburg refused.
How many seats did the Nazi's get in the Reichstag in Nov 1932, when von Papen called another election? 196. Even though they lost some, they were still the largest single party. von Papen lost support and couldn't form a government so resigned.
Who took over and how successful was he? von Schliecher but also failed to form a coalition government.
When did Hindenburg finally let Hitler become chancellor? January 1933. "the legal chancellor"
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