A Level: English language and literature technique = Dramatic terms


A Levels English L+L Karteikarten am A Level: English language and literature technique = Dramatic terms, erstellt von Jessica 'JessieB am 21/04/2014.
Jessica 'JessieB
Karteikarten von Jessica 'JessieB, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jessica 'JessieB
Erstellt von Jessica 'JessieB vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Alliteration > Repeating the same first letter, sound or group of sounds in a series of words.
Assonance > The repetition of vowel sounds to create a rhyme within phrases/sentences.
Consonance > The repetition of consonant sounds within a phrase/sentence. > These are mainly the end sounds of a phrase/sentence. E.g. Sword - Lord Bat - Cat
Onomatopoeia > Describes/imitation a natural sound or the sound made by an object/action. E.g. snap, boom, smack.
Phonology > The way words sound.
Syllables > The use of splitting up words into speech sounds.
Simile > The use of the words 'as' or 'like' to suggest two things are alike. E.g. busy as a bee.
Metaphor > A figure of speech that says that one thing is another different thing.
Personification > Where animals or objects are given human characteristics.
Symbolism > Something that is used to represent something else. > An object that represents a concept.
Parallelism > Words or phrases that express a similar idea or an equal importance.
Empathy > Understanding and sharing the emotions another feels.
Pathetic fallacy > Using human emotions for inanimate objects or the weather.
Irony > The use of words, characters or plot developments to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its actual/literal meaning.
Figurative language > Simile > Metaphors > Personification > Alliteration > Onomatopoeia > Hyperbole > Idioms >Cliches
Monologue > A speech delivered by one person that the other characters can hear.
Dramatic tension > Tension/suspence created through characters, settings, plot developments ect. > It grips the audience and is, normally, used as the climax of the story.
Dramatic irony > This is where the audience knows more than the characters.
Antagonist > The character that opposes the protagonist. E.g. normally seen as the baddie.
Tragedy > Where the main character is exposed to sorrow or ruin. > Where the plot doesn't work out the way the character wants it to go.
Epiphany > A sudden realisation.
Register > The formality of the text.
Retrospective narrative > The story being told is not happening at the same time the narrator is telling it.
Repeated motif > Something significant that is repeated - like an idea, subject ect. > It is often symbolic.
Verbal irony > Sarcasm.
Tone > The author's attitudes towards a subject.
Imagery > The use of figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas in a way that creates a vivid picture in the reader's mind.
Protagonist > The main character - the hero/heroine.
Exposition > The beginning of the story; it introduces the settings, plot, characters ect.
Proxemics > The characters' physical position on stage. > The distance between characters.
Juxtaposition > The use of putting characters, ideas, themes, phrases, words or settings side by side to either compare, contrast, use for suspense or as a rhetorical effect.
Situational irony > A situation where actions have the opposite effect from what is expected/intended.
Pathos > A great feeling of sadness felt by the audience.
Plot > The overall/main story that consists of the main themes, characters ect.
Sub-plot > Has the same characteristics as the main plot, but it isn't central.
Extended metaphor > A comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout the story in speech or setting, ect.
Soliloquy > A long speech that is spoken to the audience; not any other characters.
Complication > The catalyst/event that makes the story tense or adds tension to the once peaceful plot.
Denouement > The unraveling of the climax/story plot.
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