Computer Science Flashcards


Karteikarten am Computer Science Flashcards, erstellt von Mr West am 28/04/2014.
Mr West
Karteikarten von Mr West, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mr West
Erstellt von Mr West vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What colour is this? #00FF00 Green Convert this colour to Hexadecimal.
1001 Convert this number to decimal/denary 9 Convert this number to binary
What is binary? Binary is a counting system with a base of 2. Computers store all data using binary.
Give two reasons computers use binary. 1. Easy for computers to store and transmit. 2. Less error prone. 3. Calculations are quicker than decimal.
What are the main uses of hexadecimal 1. Image colour representation in RGB. 2. Memory location references. 3.Used in URLs for non-standard characters.
Why do we represent colours using hexadecimal, not binary or decimal Because the code is shorter, and the colours are easier to recognise and change.
What is this number in hexadecimal? 24 What is this hexadecimal number in decimal? F8
How many bits is this binary number? 1001010 7 bits
How many bits are there in a byte? 8 bits
A3 Convert this number to Denary ( Decimal) 163
When might we use code from external sources? What are the advantages and disadvantages? We use code from external sources because it allows us to develop programs more quickly and without specialist knowledge. We have no control over the code, so it might have errors.
How many different characters are encoded in ASCII? Give examples of 3 different types or characters. 128 Characters. Examples: lowercase/uppercase letters, numbers, punctuation marks, printing control codes(now redundant - mostly used when people used typewriters)
It will return False
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