Chapter 6.1


Karteikarten am Chapter 6.1, erstellt von Ridwan Hamza am 19/03/2017.
Ridwan Hamza
Karteikarten von Ridwan Hamza, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ridwan Hamza
Erstellt von Ridwan Hamza vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Explain what classification is? It is the process of putting things in groups.
What would happen with out classification? Everything would be out of order.
Give an example of when you might be classified. In which class your put in according to your age.
What is a weed? The plant which belongs in one place is a weed in another place.
What is Lantana? It is a flower introduced to Australia in the 1840's.
Why has Lantana become a weed in Australia? It has already invaded 4 million hectares of land in Australia.
Is Lantana toxic? Yes it is poisonous.
What is the scientific name for Lantana? Lantana Camara.
What animals have been introduced to Australia? Foxes, Horses, Rabbits.etc.
What are pests? Animals That have become a major problem in Australia.
Name an example of a pest in Australia. Foxes, they eat native wildlife belonging to farmers.
How can you classify something? You must know the objects characteristics.
Define taxonomy. the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms.
What is the simplest type of key? The dichotomous key.
What is the dichotomous key? It is a series of choices that leads to the identification of an object/item.
What does the word dichotomous mean? It means cut in two in the ancient Greek language.
What are the two ways of writing dichotomous keys? Flow charts or Tables.
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