Ways of Dividing the World


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Aaishah  Din
Karteikarten von Aaishah Din, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aaishah  Din
Erstellt von Aaishah Din vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the Brandt Line? - The Brandt line is a division created by Wily Brandt ( The Chancellor of Germany. - The division is between the North and South: The Rich North and the Poor South
Give advantages of the Brandt line. - It is useful because it shows a simple representation of development.
Give some disadvantages of the Brandt Line - It is 30 years old, and has not been updated - It does not show the differences in the amount of help and development; it says the rich are equally rich and the poor equally poor - It is a very general view
What is MEDC? LEDC? LDC? NIC? A. MEDC = More economically developed country. B. LEDC = Less economically developed country. C. Least developed country and D. Newly industrialised country.
What are the majority of LDC's? These are mainly landlocked African countries.
What is the Five fold division based on wealth? 1) Rich industrialising countries 2) Oil exporting countries 3) New industrialising countries 4) former centrally planned economies 5) heavily indebted poor countries
Give examples for each one of the above. 1) UK, USA, Japan, Australia 2) UAE 3) India, China 4) Russia 5) Chad, Congo.
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