Irritating Terms


A-Levels Resistant Materials (Quality) Karteikarten am Irritating Terms, erstellt von Alec Stevens am 10/05/2013.
Alec Stevens
Karteikarten von Alec Stevens, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alec Stevens
Erstellt von Alec Stevens vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
TQM Strategic integrated system for achieving customer satisfaction. Involves applying QA procedures at every stage of production process. All members of the organisation (staff) are happy and participate in continually improving the processes, products, services and culture of where they work. Involves applying external standards like BSI or ISO 9000. Providing suitable customer service and after sales support.
Quality Control A part of quality assurance. Inspecting and testing a product during and after production. E.g. Coordinate measuring machine to check dimensions are within tolerances. Testing such as non-destructive (tested till product shows signs of failing) or destructive (destroyed under controlled conditions and monitored).
Quality Assurance Systems in place to monitor the quality of a product right from design and development up to manufacture and end use, including customer satisfaction. An entire process to ensure the product fulfils requirements. Regulation of the quality of raw materials and components. Includes QC checks during manufacture/production.
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