Rainforest biome


Rainforest biome
Steven Morgan
Karteikarten von Steven Morgan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Steven Morgan
Erstellt von Steven Morgan vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Biome A unique region of the world defined by its climate
Characteristics of a biome Soils Climate Flora Fauna
Distribution/Location 23.5 degree N/S of Equator In the Tropics Low latitude S. America, Africa & SE Asia Formerly 14% of earth covered Now 6% of earth is covered Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru
Biodiversity Large collection of flora & fauna 1 hectare = 42,000 species Bananas, peppers, coffee, palm oil, cocoa
Layers/Parts Forest floor Understorey Canopy Emergent
Emergent layer Tallest Trees = 40m to 80m Birds like the scarlet macaw & insects Trees are spaced far apart Small & pointed leaves Straight, smooth trunks with few branches Root system is very shallow
Canopy layer 20 – 40 m above the ground Insects, spiders, birds (Toucan & Hornbill) Orangutan, Howler & Spider monkey Snakes, lizards & frogs Epiphytes (Vines), mosses, Lichens Flowers like orchids Fruits of trees
Understorey Very little light = plant life is limited. Short, leafy mostly non-flowering plants. Shurbs, small trees, ferns + vines. Insects ( beetles & bees) spiders, snakes, lizards. Some birds live + nest here Larger animals = Jaguars
Forest floor Lots of animal life Insects + Spiders eg tarantulas. Anteaters, Wild Boar, Tapirs, Jaguars. Amerindians. 1-3% of light get to floor Fungi/bacteria make plant litter Green, leafy shrubs
Climate Hot, wet & humid (77%-88% humidity) No real seasons The sun is directly overhead 12 hrs. of sunlight daily Average Temp=27 degrees small temp range 2000mm avg rainfall Convectional rain
Soils Latosols Red = Alumina & iron oxide Laterisation Finely balanced No clear profile Leaching Laterite Short Nutrient cycle
Vegetation Small or big leaves Buttress & Stilt roots Shallow roots Drip tips 40% of Earth's air 1/4 of all medicines Fruits & flowers spread seeds Thin, straight tree trunks
Giant Anteater Ants & termites Large sharp claws Long narrow snout Stick long tongue Keen sense of smell
Jaguar Camouflage Long tail for balance Ambush predator Long retractable claws Can climb/Run up trees Only in S. American rain forest
Spider monkey Strong limbs for climbing Tail for balance & 5th limb Nimble & quick Rarely on the ground Live in troops for safety Loud noise to communicate/warn
Tapir Mammal Water & land Can swim & dive Used to eat meat now eats plants Small trunk like nose Color to avoid detection
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