Religious Studies short course


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Responsibility 1. Duties you should carry out 2. Liabilities 3. Your obligations 4. What you are expected to take care of. 5. Something you do out of a sense of duty, or because you are expected.
Commitment 1. Dedication towards something/someone 2. Making AND keeping a promise 3. Something you choose to do, or be, for a person 4. Keeping an obligation 5. Being devoted to something/someone
Storge Affection for things and animals. Sometimes described as 'sentimental love'
Philia Love of friends and family; a stronger bond between people
Eros Sexual love; physical love between two people, usually of the opposite sex
Agape Unconditional love, given freely and unreservedly
Chastity Not having sexual intercourse until after marriage
Celibacy Deciding never to have a sexual relationship
Polygamy Marriage of a man to more than one wife, is allowed in exceptional circumstances, and when the law allows (Islam)
Islamic marriage contract In Islam, Marriage is a social contract which has Allah's sanction
Islam and the relationship with family In Islam, the relationship begins between two extended families not just the individuals
Fidelity Sex outside of marriage is not acceptable to most Christians. Having kept themselves unreservedly to each other, there should be no desire or willingness to look for sexual relationships or experiences outside of marriage. This means that Christians have clear guidelines about adultery, or having a sexual relationship with someone other than one's marriage partner.
Matthew 5 Jesus said 'you shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Adultery Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse of married person other than with spouse
Christian teaching about adultery 1. Marriage is sexually exclusive- sex should not be shared with anyone. 2. Adultery is forbidden in the 10 Commandments and teaching of Jesus. 3. Adultery is harmful to the special relationship of marriage. 4. Adultery is not a secure basis for any children born as a result. 5. Adultery could result in a partner feeling cheated, betrayed or rejected. 6. Adultery is wrong because God is involved in the marriage.
Islamic teaching about adultery 1. Sex outside marriage is generally strongly disapproved of. 2. Sexual desires are to be satisfied, but only in the context of marriage. 3. The ideal is a lifelong union based on trust, morality and devotion. 4. Vows promising to be faithful are exchanged in the marriage ceremony. 5. Adultery is seen as harmful socially. SO against the unity and peace of the Ummah. 6. Adultery is seen as a form of theft of the worst possible sort
Surah 17:32 Have nothing to do with adultery for it is a shameful thing and an evil opening the way to other evils
Christians and contraception Some Christians say that contraception is acceptable providing that; 1. Sex is within marriage (or a permanent relationship) 2. Both partners agree to using contraception, and which kind to use
Cohabitation living together without being married
pre-marital sex sex before marriage
Promiscuity Having sex with a number of partners without commitment
nuclear family mother, father and children living as a unit
re-constituted family where two sets of children, step-brothers and sisters, become one family when their divorced parents marry each other.
Religious marriage ceremonies 1. Hymn 2. Purpose explained 3. Ask for impediments 4. Taking of vows, with witnesses 5. Exchanging of rings 6. Pronounce union 7. Hymn 8. Bible reading 9. Sermon or talk 10. Prayers 11. Signing register 12. Marching out 13. Photos and reception
Arranged/assisted marriages (Islam) In Islam, it is believed important to allow the whole family to assist with the finding of the right partner. From the meeting, the couple will decide whether to continue the relationship or not. This Is NOT a FORCED marriage, the two people involved do have a choice.
Mahr or dowry If the couple decide to continue, the mahr or dowry is arranged. This is the payment of an agreed sum of money to the wife. The money belongs to the wife, and is hers to keep should they later divorce.
Nikah The ceremony which means the couple are married under Islamic law is called Nikah, and may take place at home, in a mosque or anywhere else the witnesses (often including the imam or leader) are present. The bride does not have to be present, but does have to send her witnesses.
An Islamic marriage ceremony will include; 1. Recitation of ayahs 2. Agreement of the mahr in front of witnesses 3. Exchange of vows 4. Signing the contract
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