Erstellt von Ashley Uminn
vor fast 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
The Spanish Alphabet This is what will be on each card... | Pronunciation of the letter in Spanish Pronunciation of the letter in word word in Spanish with that letter pronunciation of the word |
A | ah ah hola (oh-lah) |
B | bay bh bueno (buay-no) |
C | say ss or kh casa (kah-sah) edificio (ed-ee-fee-cee-oh) |
D | day dh domitorio (doh-mee-tor-ee-oh) |
E | ay ay padre (pah-dray) |
F | efe fh Facil (fah-ceel) |
G | hay gh or jh garaje (gar-ah-hay) gemalos (jay-mal-ohs) |
H | ahay h is silent Hay (i) |
I | ee ee dificil (dee-fee-cee-ul) |
J | ota hh jalapeno (ha-la-pee-nyo) |
K | ka kh kinder (keen-der) |
L | elay ll abuela (ah-buel-ah) |
M | emay mm malos (mah-los) |
N | enay nn hermano (air-man-os) |
o | oh oh hijo (ee-hoh) |
p | pay pp paciente (pah-see-en-tay) |
Q | coo kh Pequana (pay-kay-nya) |
R | ere rr madre (ma-dray) |
s | ese ss alumnos (ah-loom-nos |
T | tay tt timido (tee-mee-doh) |
U | oo oo uno (oo-no) |
V | vay vv vaca (vah-cah) |
W | doblay Vay ww wila (wee-lah) |
X | eekees kh xilofono (kee-loh-fono) |
Y | ee greeaygah ee y (ee) |
z | zaytah zz zar (zar) |
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