

Geography Karteikarten am Globalisation, erstellt von connorbuckler am 13/05/2013.
Karteikarten von connorbuckler, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von connorbuckler vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what are the social impacts to food miles? Farmers switching from subsistence farming (food for family) to Commercial farming (food is produced to sell) make more money due to the high demand of food
what impacts do food miles have on local people? This reduces the amount of food produced for local people, which they then have to import expensive food.
what environmental impacts do food miles have? chemicals used to grow increasing amounts of crops can polute and harm the environment
what cheff encourages people to buy food locally? Gordan Ramsey
what effect does buying your food locally have? helps to reduce the food miles and reduces carbon emissions as it hasn’t travelled a long distance. It also helps to support local farmers and businesses.
what negative impacts do the reduction of food miles have on LEDCs? it causes them to go out of business and lose their jobs, because people are going more local when buying food
What causes Globalisation? Globalisation is caused by international trade, international investment & improvements in communications.
What are some improvements in transport? Increase in airports, high speed trains & larger ships.
What do improvements to transport mean to businesses? These improvements have made it quicker and more convenient for businesses all over the globe to communicate to each other in person.
what does improvements in transport mean to TNC's? It makes it easier to source supplies from all over the world as well as importing their products all over the world.
what are the social advantages to TNC's? TNC’s create jobs in all the countries they are located in. Employees in LEDC’s e.g. India get a more reliable income from working in the factories than working in paddy fields.
what advantages do TNC's bring to the area? TNC’s spend money to improve the local infrastructure of the area e.g. airports, Roads & Bridges. New Technology and wisdom are brought to LEDC’s
what are disadvantages to TNC's? Employees work long hours (12hours) in poor conditions. they get payed much less than MEDC workers eventhough they do more work
what are disadvantages to jpeoples jobs security with TNC's in LEDC's? the job security isn't safe, workers could lose their jobs if a TNC could one day decide to move to cheaper locations
what are the disadvantages with profits to TNC's? The profits from the production go straight to the headquarters in the MEDC. They aren’t reinvested in the LEDC.
what is an example of a TNC? Coke Cola Nike Adidas Puma
what are social impacts ofm producing more energy? Power plants are huge and are unsightly, the building and presence causes residents to move away from the area.
what effects do power plants have on people? Power plants produce radioactive waste that can cause illnesses such as Cancer and Radiation Poisoning.
what positive impacts does power plants have on the people? job creation for local residents to build and maintain the plants
what are the positive impacts to the economy with power plants? Countries with a lot of energy resources e.g. coal will benefit as other countries will buy energy from them and the country will become richer.
name an example of a country becoming richer from other nations buying their energy? China, the Three Gorges Damn, a source of hydro-electric power
what negative impact will power stations have on the environment? burning fossil fuels will release corbon dioxide which adds to global warming, this will cause sea levels to rise, cause extreme weather and will make some species extinct.
what problems do food supplies face with an increasing population? The increase in the world’s population also needs to be met with more food supplies.
what environmental impacts do food supplies have? Transporting food by plane and vans produces carbon dioxide. The more food miles travelled the more carbon dioxide produced. The carbon dioxide adds to Global Warming.
what are positive impacts to food miles? A wide range of food is available all year round. E.g. bananas in December (out of season foods)
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