Basic Business Analyst questions


English language Karteikarten am Basic Business Analyst questions, erstellt von Yulia Faizrahmanova am 05/05/2017.
Yulia Faizrahmanova
Karteikarten von Yulia Faizrahmanova, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yulia Faizrahmanova
Erstellt von Yulia Faizrahmanova vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Asking about a product What is the product?
Asking about potential users Who will use it?
Asking about person's role/position What is your role in this project?
Asking about the product/service aims What is this product or service supposed to be?
asking about what product doesn't need to be What is the product not meant to be?
Asking about the potential users of a product Who is this product for?
Asking about the release date When is the version we’re designing going to be released?
Asking about the business goal of a product What should this project accomplish for the business?
Asking about revenue (money the product will generate) How will this product generate revenue?
Asking about the product capability to save money How will this product save money?
Asking about effecting on the brand and position in the marketplace How should this product affect the company’s brand and position in the marketplace?
Asking about the product success How will you, personally, define success for this project?
Asking about people we need to interview Is there anyone you think we need to speak with who isn’t on our list? Who are those people?
Asking about stakeholder's role in the project How would you like to be involved in the rest of the project, and what’s the best way to reach you?
Asking about user's need What do users need?
Asking about key customers and users What customers and users are most important?
Asking about product challenges What challenges do we face?
Asking about more details Can you perhaps tell me/us more about
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