Frage | Antworten |
What are primitive data types? | variables that cna be defined simply by commands built into the programming language (atomic data types) |
Give 4 exampeles of privitve data types and 2 furhter daya types | Integer Real boolean char further: string, data |
What is a integer, real, char, string, boolean, data? | signed whole number signed number with decimal point single character sequence on 0 or more characters logical values true and false dat, moneth, year sometimes time |
Describe the record type | composite type: logical group of different data types - user-defined type |
How write record type in pseudecode? | TYPE ___ DECLARE ___: ____ ENDTYPE |
Array Index | Row or colomn number of an individual array element. |
Upper Bound | The highest number index of an array dimension. |
Lower Bound | The smallest number index of an array dimension. |
What is an array? | ordered set of data itmes, usually of same type, grouped together with single identifier |
Linear Search | Checking each element of an array in turn for a requred value. |
Bubble Sort | A sort method where adjacent pairs of values are compared and swapped. (sorting in 1d array compare 1st and 2nd if 2nd bigger swap, repeat, repeat) |
Declare a 1d array in pseudecode | DECLARE ___ : ARRAY[ : ] of __ |
Declare a 2d array in pseudecode | DECLARE ___: ARRAY[ : , : ] of (datatype) # rows given first then clomus, lower and upper bounds |
Textfiles: writing to a text file in pseudecode read append | OPENFILE ___ FOR WRITE WRITEFILE ____, ______ CLOSEFILE ____ OPENFILE ___ FOR READ READFILE ____, ______ CLOSEFILE ____ OPENFILE ___ FOR APPEND WRITEFILE ____, ______ CLOSEFILE ____ |
redad a text file and ouput contents in pseudecode | OPENFILE "_.txt" FOR READ WHILE NOT EOF("_.txt") DO READFILE "_.txt", TextString OUPUT TextString ENDWHILE CLOSEFILE "_.txt" |
Abstract Data Type ADTs | A collection of data with associated operations |
What are the associated perations of ADTs 5 | - create a new instance of the data structure - find an element int eh data strucutre - insert a new element into the data strucutre -detele an element from data strucutre -access all elements stored in teh data structure in a systematic manner |
Give 3 examples of ADTs | stack queue linked list |
Describe stacks | item accessible at top of stack. Bse of stack Pointer - first slot in stack TopofStack Pointer - last item pushed onto stack DECLARE Stack: Array[0:7] of CHAR |
Describe queues | front position - . circular quese- wrap around |
Node | An element of a list. |
Pointer | A varaible that stores the address of the node it points to. |
Null Pointer | A pointer that doesn't point to anything. |
Start Pointer | A varaible that stores the address of the first element of a linked list. |
Describe linked lists: to detlet adv over linear lists, dis | to delete - set before pointer field to null pointer. Add start pointer copied into new point. Prefereable to linerar lists - when need reordering only points need changing unlike linear - all data itmes need to be moved - saves time Dis - needs more storage space for pointer fields |
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