125 - Pigment Producing Bacteria


FirstAid 2017 Karteikarten am 125 - Pigment Producing Bacteria, erstellt von Victoria Wright am 11/05/2017.
Victoria Wright
Karteikarten von Victoria Wright, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Victoria Wright
Erstellt von Victoria Wright vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the pigment-producing bacteria? Actinomyces israelii; S aureus; P aeruginosa; Serratia marcescens
Describe the pigment of the following pigment-producing bacteria. Actinomyces israelii Yellow "sulfur" granules which are composed of filaments of bacteria Israel has yellow sand.
Describe the pigment of the following pigment-producing bacteria. S aureus Yellow pigment Aureus (Latin) = Gold
Describe the pigment of the following pigment-producing bacteria. P aerugiosa Blue-green pigment (pyocyanin and pyoverdin). Aerugula is green.
Describe the pigment of the following pigment-producing bacteria. Serratia marcescents Red Think red maraschino cherries.
What are in vivo biofilm producing bacteria? S epidermidis, Viridans streptococci (S mutans, S sanguinis), P aeruginosa, Nontypeable (unencapsulated) H influenzae
Biofilm from S epidermidis is associated with what? Catheter and prosthetic device infections
Biofilm from Viridans streptococci (S mutans, S sanguinis) is associated with what? Dental plaques, infective endocarditis
Biofilm from P aeruginosa is associated with what? Respiratory tree colonization in patients with cystic fibrosis, ventilator-associated pneumonia. Contact lens-associated keratitis.
Biofilm from Nontypeable (unencapsulated) H influenzae is associated with what? Otitis media
Bacterial Virulence Factors promote what? Evasion of host immune response.
What are Bacterial Virulence Factors? Protein A, IgA protease, and M protein
Bacterial Virulence Factors What does Protein A do? Binds Fc region of IgG. Prevents opsonization and phagocytosis. Expressed by S aureus.
Bacterial Virulence Factors What does IgA protease do? Enzyme that cleaves IgA, allowing bacteria to adhere to and colonize mucous membranes. Secreted by S pneumoniae, H influenzae, type B, and Neisseria
acterial Virulence Factors What does M protein do? Helps prevent phagocytosis. Expressed by group A streptococci. Shares similar epitopes to human cellular proteins (molecular mimicry); possibly underlines the autoimmune response seen in acute rheumatic fever.
Describe Type III secretion system Also known as "injectisome." Needle-like protein appendage facilitation direct delivery of toxins from certain gram- bacteria (eg Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Shigella, E coli) to eukaryotic host cell.
Which bacterial virulence factor is expressed by S aureus? Protein A
Which bacterial virulence factor is secreted by S pneumoniae, H influenzae, type B, and Neisseria? IgA protease
Which bacterial virulence factor is expressed by group A streptococci? M protein
Which bacterial virulence factor shares similar epitopes to human cellular proteins (molecular mimicry)? M protein
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