RS Acrostics


KS4 (GCSE) Year 8 (RS) Karteikarten am RS Acrostics, erstellt von Oliver H am 18/05/2014.
Oliver H
Karteikarten von Oliver H, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Oliver H
Erstellt von Oliver H vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Vishnu Avatars: My Knitters Very Naughtily Veered Right Right Killing Boys [/] Kids Vishnu Avatars: Matsya [Fish] Kurma [Tortoise] Varaha [Boar] Nara-Sinha [Man-lion] Vamana [Dwarf Demon] Rama [Son of Brahman] Rama-Chandra [Perfect man] Krishna [Hero] Buddha [Founder of Buddhism] Kalki [Yet to come]
4PS: Dad Always Drinks Rum 4PS: Disease Age Death Religion
Buddhism Background: All Runners Sweat Now Buddhism Background: Agnostic Reincarnation Suffering Nirvana
4NT: Dogs + Snakes Never Mingle 4NT: Dukkha Samudāya Nirodha Magga
5 Rules: Kids And Sheep In Love 5 Rules: Kill Adultery Steal Intoxicants Lie
8fp: Understanding All Silly Boys Lets Eric Make More 8fp: Understanding }Wisdom Attitude }Wisdom Speech }Morality Behavior }Morality Livelihood }Morality Effort }Meditation Mindfulness }Meditation Meditation }Meditation
The Sangha: Bob Does Stuff The Sangha: Refuge in Buddha Refuge in Dharma Refuge in Sangha
Invasions: Afternoon Atmosphere Made PM Be Silly Invasions: Aryan [2000 BCE] Ashoka [300 BCE] Muslim [1000 CE] Portuguese + Moghul [1500 CE] British [1600CE] Sikh [1600 CE]
Trimurti: Bob Visits Sally Trimurti: Brahma Vishnu Shiva
Moksha: Keep Burping Jack Yuck! Moksha: Karma Bhakti Jnana Yoga
The Soul: Always Knit Many Socks The Soul: Atman Karma Moksha Samsara
3 Goddesses: Silly Poor Lad 3 Goddesses: Saraswati Parvati Lakshmi
Creation Story: Big Llamas Fight Evil Guys Creation Story: Brahma Lonely Flew up [Create sky] Elements Gods
Caste: Big Kings Visit Small Unicorns Caste: Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaisyas Sudras Untouchables
H indus believe in reincarnation I ndia is where Hinduism was born N on-violence is called ahimsa D harma is the divine law U nion through yoga I ndividual souls are reborn in different forms after death S hiva, Brahma, and Vishnu are three major gods M oksha is escape from the cycle of rebirth B uddha is the Enlightened One U nderstanding suffering in the Four Noble Truths D harma is not connected to the caste system D o not believe in violence H ope of Nirvana for all I ndia is where Buddhsm began S acred text called Tripitaka M iddle Way or Eightfold Path
Hinduism Basic Facts: An anonymous 2000 year old Hindu went to the Mandir/Temple to read the Vedas (and others) Buddhism Basic Facts: A 500 year old Siddhartha Gautama went to the Pagoda/Stupa/Wat to pick up 3 baskets
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