Frage | Antworten |
("Sheila and Gerald seated upstage") | Sheila is more important or respected than her younger brother, Eric |
("Very pleased with life and rather excited") | -Indicates that Sheila is quite childish and immature -Could be due to her family over protecting her [how women were treated] |
"Mummy", "Daddy" | This displays that Sheila is immature |
"Isn't it a beauty?" | Sheila could be quite materialistic [women expectations in upper/middle class families] |
"oh - how horrible!" | Sheila is the only person in the Birling family who cares about Eva, displays YG views |
"What was she like? Quite young?" "Pretty?" | Sheila doesn't want to be intimidated by Eva Smith |
(cutting in)"Why would you? He's finished with you' | Sheila cuts into her father's speaking, Mr B tries to mollycoddle her again, trying to protect her from the Inspector |
"I think it was a mean thing to do" | Sheila displays her young generation and socialist views |
"but these girls aren't cheap labour, they're people!" | Sheila presenting her young generation views again, along with socialism |
"I felt rotten about it at the time" "I've | Sheila is the only member of the family (so far) who actually feel guilty for what they have done |
"She was a very pretty girl too" | Sheila was jealous of Eva |
"You gave yourself away as soon as he mentioned her other name" | Sheila actually understands and knows more than she lets on, family think she isn't smart / needs to be protected |
"Then i'm staying' | despite what her family keep saying, sheila wants to know exactly what Gerald has been doing, she doesn't want to be protected any more |
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