Book Summaries (by Episode)


Karteikarten am Book Summaries (by Episode), erstellt von thinkingathought am 19/05/2013.
Karteikarten von thinkingathought, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von thinkingathought vor mehr als 11 Jahre

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The Catalogue of Ships Episode 2: Odysseus the Puppet When Hera sees the Achaians attempting to return home, she panics and sends Athena down to try and stop them, who goes to Odysseus and tells him to go and stop everyone (lazy cow). He then runs round like a lunatic shouting at everyone, encouraging and insulting them as means of persuasion, reminding them that before they left Greece Calchas did say that it would be nine years before they would manage to overtake Troy, so hold your horses.
The Catalogue of Ships Episode 1: Agamemnon's Dream To try and trick Ags, Zeus sends him a dream in the form of Nestor using evil Dream saying that he should invade Troy right now despite A-Dog not being there. Agamemnon lies to his army and tells them that they're going home, to test their loyalty, which totally fails when they all run to their ships with happiness.
The Anger of Achilleus Episode 5: Olympos Partay After Thetis leaves, Hera goes to Zeus and moans at him, and then he's all, 'shut it you silly bitch'. So then Hera has a little strop and her son Hephaustus is like, 'calm yo ass girl let's have a partay' so then they have a party.
The Anger of Achilleus Episode 4: Thetis' request So when Zeus returns from his twelve day feast at a mate's house, Thetis goes to him, and (for reasons still unbeknown to me) sort of taps his knee and grabs his face. She then asks him to grant Troy victory and he nods, which is meant to be all symbolic, and all the mountains shake and stuff.
The Anger of Achilleus Episode 3: The return of Chryseis Whilst Achilleus and Thetis have their DMC, Odysseus returns Chryseis to her father, Chryses. There's a joyful reunion, after which Chryses washes his hands and sprinkles some cereal around so he can pray to Apollo. Then all the Achaians have a massive party and burn animals and stuff to pray to him as well, and the plague ends and everyone has a really good time, apart from Achilleus who sits by his little ship feeling sorry for himself.
The Anger of Achilleus Episode 2: Achilleus' conversation with Thetis After Agamemnon returns Chryseis (Odysseus takes her) he then takes Briseis from Achilleus. Achilleus then sits on a beach and cries, calling for his mum, who comes and soothes him. She's all sad all the time because he's going to die being a hero. He's sad because Agamemnon stole his girlfriend. All in all, it's a pretty depressing episode, but basically after lots of crying (LOTS of crying) Thetis agrees to go and ask Zeus to 'grant victory for the Trojans'.
The Anger of Achilleus Episode 1: Agamemnon and Achilleus' fight Chryses begs Agamemnon to return his daughter, Chryseis, to him. Agamemnon refuses (bitch). Chryses begs to Apollo, who sends a plague upon the Achaean army. After ten days, Achilleus calls an assembly to ask the soothsayer Calchas to reveal the cause, who tells them it is because of Agamemnon's refusal. Ags then throws a massive hissy fit and he and A-Dog have a domestic, in which Ags threatens to take his woman. Yikes. Achilleus is about to kill Agamemnon, and is persuaded otherwise by Athena and Nestor. He then storms off.
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