Conducting focus-group interviews


References: Wilkinson, D. and Birmingham, P, 2003
Ale M. P
Flowchart by Ale M. P, updated more than 1 year ago
Ale M. P
Created by Ale M. P about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Conducting focus-group interviews
  • Establish the group
  • Develop your questions
  • Conduct the focus group
  • Analyse group data
  • The group is made up of participants.
  • It need not contain a fixed number of participants
  • Screening produces a ‘sampling frame’.
  • The participants should feel he or she are taking part in a free-flowing discussion,
  • Recom-mend that you begin with a brainstorming
  • General and positive questions which are easy to answer inorder to engage and reassure the participants
  • To specific key questions which focus on the issue ofconcern and may be more challenging
  • Follow-up questions in light of participants’ comments.Try to get to the heart of the matter
  • Questions make sense and are respectfully expressed.Do they get the kind of response you want?
  • Test out your questions with colleagues or friends, and revise themwhere necessary
  • The responsibility of the moderator
  • By organising a seating plan for the participants
  •  That participants can make eye contact with one another as well as hear each other
  • Arranging for the discussion to be recorded (on audio-tape or mini-disk, or even video),outlining the purpose of the meeting to the group, and so on.
  • The single most important responsibility as moderator is to ask the research questions
  • by introducing them appropriately
  • probing further,
  • pausing to let participants have their say,
  • involving all participants and always remaining neutral and impartial
  • Transcribing the tapes in order to produce an accurate record
  • Exclude anycoughs, sneezes, he sitations, false starts, trip-ups and repetitions you hear, and feel free to correct speakers
  • Include with each transcript other documents and an accompanying information you may have collected from each interview
  • Tips for analysing your data
  • Transcribe the interviews
  • Type up significant notes
  • Gather together transcripts, notes and other documents in apreliminary record
  • Cut-and-paste your data into themes, patterns, trends, etc.
  • Organise your categories into subcategories and arrange them in orderof importance
  • Select and edit actual quotations to illustrate your emerging themes
  • Think about investigating emerging issues further, perhaps by using alternative instruments
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