Subject 2. frequencies and application protocol. First steps


When the body is healthy coherence in the biophotonics system is high. In this unit you'll learn to create coherence using the Biocom Lux frequencies.
Biocom Lux
Slide Set by Biocom Lux, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Maya Cecilia Veliz
Created by Maya Cecilia Veliz almost 8 years ago
Biocom Lux
Copied by Biocom Lux almost 8 years ago
Biocom Lux
Copied by Biocom Lux over 7 years ago

Resource summary

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    It is based on the foster of coherence in the light system of the body to allow the person to liberate stress, thus activating its own mechanisms of autorregulation. Nowadays science has proved that healthy states in the body are coupled with coherence in a fotonic level. Therefore, our objective will be to provide  fotonic coherence in a 4-level protocol in the person: Mind Emotion Physical  Consciousness Thus the effectiveness of the session is in the determination of the adequate frequencies for the person in each of the levels.                
    Biophotonics therapy with Biofoton

Slide 3

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    To observe the experience of having a health problem is different of observing just the illness of the person. An illness is a concept, a definition that we'll leave for medicine and its professionals.   To choose the correct frequencies, we'll learn to focus in how the person is experimenting its current state, and what the body is showing us. We act in a simple mode compatible with other medical treatments that the person might be receiving.   This is the subject of the next unit
    How to choose the correct frequencies?

Slide 11

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Octavio Aldana
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Tipos de frecuencia
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Frecuencias agrupadas en intervalos
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Subject 1: set-up of your Biofoton
Biocom Lux
Tema 1. Pongamos en marcha tu Biofotón
Biocom Lux