False Memory Disorder


Gabriel  Aponte
Slide Set by Gabriel Aponte, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriel  Aponte
Created by Gabriel Aponte almost 7 years ago
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Resource summary

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    False Memory Disorder
    False memory syndrome is a condition in which a person's identity and interpersonal relationships center on a memory of a traumatic experience that is objectively false but that the person strongly believes occurred.   False memories may be the result of recovered memory therapy, a term also defined by the FMSF in the early 1990s,[10] which describes a range of therapy methods that are prone to creating confabulations. Some of the influential figures in the genesis of the theory are forensic psychologist Ralph Underwager, psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, and sociologist Richard Ofshe.

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    Human memory is created and highly suggestible, and can create a wide variety of innocuous, embarrassing, and frightening memories through different techniques—including guided imagery, hypnosis, and suggestion by others. Though not all individuals exposed to these techniques develop memories, experiments suggest a significant number of people do, and will actively defend the existence of the events, even if told they were false and deliberately implanted. Questions about the possibility of false memories created an explosion of interest in suggestibility of human memory and resulted in an enormous increase in the knowledge about how memories are encoded, stored and recalled, producing pioneering experiments such as the lost in the mall technique.

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    Sexual abuse cases
    Supporters of recovered memories believe that there is "overwhelming evidence that the mind is capable of repressing traumatic memories of child sexual abuse."Whitfield states that the "false memory" defense is "seemingly sophisticated, but mostly contrived and often erroneous." He states that this defense has been created by "accused, convicted and self-confessed child molesters and their advocates" to try to "negate their abusive, criminal behavior."

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    The Consequences of False Memories
    In recent years there have been a number of stories in the news revealing the sometimes devastating impact that false memories can have. False memories of crimes and sexual abuse can have serious consequences for the both the accuser and the accused, but most instances of false memories are less serious and happen with surprising frequency. False Memories Can Impact Your Eating Habits In one experiment on how false memories impact behavior, researchers created a false memory by suggesting that participants had become ill after eating egg salad as a child. Afterwards, the participants were presented with four different types of sandwiches, including an egg salad sandwich.
    False Memories Complicate End of Life Decisions False memories can also have an impact on the decisions people make at the end of their lives, such as the type of treatment they want, the kind of care they wish to have, and whether or not they want rescue interventions to be performed. False Memories Can Have Life Altering and Even Fatal Consequences In other instances, false memories have had a dramatic and disturbing impact on people's lives. For example, one Wisconsin woman sought help from a psychiatrist, who used a number of methods to help "uncover" repressed memories of traumatic events. Instead, these suggestive methods convinced the woman that she had been raped, in a cult, forced to eat babies, and that she had witnessed the murder of her best friend when she was a child. The woman later realized that the memories were false and had been implanted by her psychiatrist, resulting in a lawsuit and a $2.4 million dollar judgment in her favor
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