Demonstrative Pronouns


The use of demonstrative pronoun
Yinmy Ladislao  Maradiaga Mazariegos
Slide Set by Yinmy Ladislao Maradiaga Mazariegos , updated more than 1 year ago
Yinmy Ladislao  Maradiaga Mazariegos
Created by Yinmy Ladislao Maradiaga Mazariegos about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    What are these in English?
    Demonstrative Pronouns demonstrate (verb): to show; to indicate; to point toA demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things: near in distance or time (this, these) far in distance or time (that, those)  near •far ⇒singular ☺thisthatplural ☺☺☺thesethose

Slide 2

Slide 3

        (Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something like this that these those ? (With a bowl of cherries on your lap) This That These Those cherries are delicious! (During a long walk) I should have worn this that these those shoes I bought in Greece last year; this that these those have never been comfortable. Could you bring me this that these those book I left in the garden? (From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from this that these those day forward. I hate this that these those books which tell you: " this that these those is what you have to do to become rich.". (About a picture hanging on the wall) This That These Those are my children. (About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) This That These Those is my wife.
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