Course with GoConqr flashcards, quizzes, and notes for the Number parts of GCSE maths, including fractions, decimals, percentages, measurement, structure and calculation.
There's more than a few ways to divide a whole. Fractions, decimals and percentages are some of the ways we think about ways to separate numbers. This video should help explain.
This mind map will help you understand the different types of fractions we use in mathematics. Improper fractions, unit fractions, equivalent fractions, numerators and denominators are here.
Decimals are often used as a means of measurement. Place-values quickly illustrate the relative values of decimals at different points on the number line.
These Flashcards should really help in your understanding of what you need to know about fractions, decimals and percentages. These flashcards demonstrate an easy way to translate between the three.
Here's a great way to review what we have covered so far. There are twelve easy questions to test your grasp of fractions, decimals and percentages. Aim for a good, high score before you move on to the next section.
Numbers can be described as being natural, integer, rational, irrational, real and ordinal. These flashcards will explain what we mean by each of these terms and help you learn the difference between them.
Integers are whole numbers that can be expressed positively or negatively. The operations performed on integers are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Two wrongs do not make a right...but, two minuses can make a plus when you multiply them together. Here are some basic rules when dealing with problems with two or more integers.
The title says it all. Here are 11 strategies for integers. Basic substitution, completing the square, trigonometric identities, eliminating square roots, separating fractions and others.
A Surd is a number that cannot be shown as a decimal, as it has a never ending, never repeating set of decimals. π (Pi) is the most well known example of a surd.
Okay, let's review. Here are ten short questions which will help revise your knowledge of integer, cubes, cube roots and other problems we have encountered. Good luck.
Sometimes complicated subjects can best be explained with the help of a number of fluffy hand puppets. Here's a short video from the makers of Sesame Street to explain measure and accuracy.
Now. Let's think back to what Elmo & co have told us. Here is a short quiz to test your knowledge of measure and accuracy. Aim for a high score before moving on.
Upper and lower bounds can be ascertained using a simple numberline diagram. Included in this module are some short notes and a brief video to explain how it works.
Let's test what we have learned with this short quiz. Questions are in a simple multiple choice format. Aim for a high score before we move on to the final section of this course.
Welcome to the final module on this course. These Flashcards will explain the topic of rounding whole numbers. Learn how to use zeros and hyphens correctly for this function.