Byzantine Empire quiz


9th grade World History Flashcards on Byzantine Empire quiz, created by abiSOla on 12/06/2014.
Flashcards by abiSOla, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abiSOla over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was the capital moved from Rome to Constantinople and by whom? -constantine -AD 330
When did Justinian come to power? AD 527
Who was Justinian's best general? Belisarius
Name the dates of the 40 year rule of Justinian 527-565
What was the date of the great schism? AD 1054
When was the end of the byzantine empire AD 1453
What was byzantinum a predominantly greek speaking continuation of the roman empire
Bosphorus Strait A body of water that forms a boundray between europe and asia
What is a former greek orthodox church, now a mosque meaning holy wisdom Hagia Sophia
A set of laws based on Roman laws put together and revised by Emperor Justinian Justinian's code
Name the 4 works of the Justinian Code Novallae institutute digest code
Patriarch A bishop of one of the most ancient christian churches
Iconoclasm The action of attacking or assertively rejecting icons
Name four public buildings Justinian built under his reign -aqueducts -schools -hospitals -courts law
What was the name of the main street in constantinople Mese
What was a hippodrome? meaning horse racecourse, a stadium where citizens could enjoy free entertainment
What was the Nika Rebellion? In 532, when two groups sparked city wide riots because they were angry with the government. Over 30,000 rebels were slaughtered
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